That's All For Now

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That's All For Now

"Dear diary, I took the test. It's strange 'Cause even though it confirmed what I already knew, I felt like I had to. They say seeing is believing, well seeing 'positive' that pink stick, made me believe a hell of a lot more..."

Calvin squeezed Gar's hand as the tape played. They sat side by side on Gar's bed. One pod in Calvin's right ear, the other in Gar's left. The Walkman rested on their touching knees.

"... I haven't figured out how to tel John yet, or if I should tell him at all. I know the moment he finds out, we'll have to stop helping Niles. I quite enjoy traveling, especially since it's free. That comes with another worry of mine, though..."

"... What if I make a miscalculation during a jump and scatter the baby's molecules? I've tried my best to stop jumping, even convinced John to buy a car. He's noticed the change in me. I think he can sense the baby somehow, maybe his powers are stronger than he believed..."

"... Or maybe his ancestral curse comes with warning bells. Either way, this pregnancy is a big deal. If I... abort, life will go on. If I keep the baby, would it be cruelty to subject my child to such a curse? Such a lifestyle."

"Times like this, I wish someone other than me was listening to these tapes. Some advice would do well right about now... Oh, I think John returned from his trip with Niles. That's all for now," Said Iyanna. The tape ended in static.

Calvin pressed eject on the Walkman. He set the tape aside and slid the next into the cartridge. His thumb lingered over the back. Hesitant to push the tape in all the way.

Gar's hand slid over Calvin's. "We can take a break, if you want." Gar said, eyes on Calvin.

"No breaks," He said. "I... I almost killed Niles tonight. I need to know why, and I think these tapes have the answers."

Calvin plunged the next tape into the Walkman...

"... My worst fears have been confirmed," Said Iyanna. She sounded much more tired in this tale than the last. "I had my first ultrasound today. The sonogram showed two babies on the monitor. That means John's curse is still in tact..."

"... We were fools, kidding ourselves to believe we could overcome something as powerful as a curse. Even after all of our travels, all of our studies, we've learned nothing. It's a special kind of doom when Niles Caulder doesn't have a clue in which direction to gaze..."

"... John says there's still hope, that we can save one child. I don't know if I can. How could I live with myself as a mother if I didn't try and save them both? If I saved one child at the expense of the other?"

Iyanna sighed. "Did I make the right decision in keeping this pregnancy? I pray I did. I pray we find a way to save them both. I'm not sure I could stand the alternative..."

"...I don't understand it, if I'm being honest. How John can be a man of healing, a man connected to the force that is life, and be so quick to suggest we kill our child. He says he already knows which one has the darkness..."

"...I'm not so sure he does. How could he know something so fiercely, when I, their mother, feel nothing but light inside? It's still early, but I hear names in my mind. I write them all down on a paper, though I can never remember where I left the paper until I hear the names," A light chuckle escaped her lips.

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