Future Is Prophecy

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Future Is Prophecy
Season Two: Episode 1

Calvin and Rachel remained side by side. The powerful darkness within him swirled to the surface. Fighting the small bolts of green light he had left.

The civil war continued on. Fighting within and without. He could only see one path in his mind.

The inferno.

Until Gar took his hand. The light fed off of the strength of their connection. Growing from a small sliver to a current between them.

Gar could feel it. He could feel the light calling to him. A voice urging him to bring Calvin back.

"Cal," He rasped. "You're still you. Come back to me. I know you're still in there, Calvin. Please." He said.

A collage of the moments they shared played like a movie in his mind. The day they met Gar saved him. The day they woke up in the cabin. The first time they teleported together. The time he healed Gar, brought him back from the brink of death.

Time that Gar clung to him to stop his panic attack. The time they traveled to an alternate universe together and a hug from Gar was the boost he needed to bring them home. The time they spent in the Doom Manor, getting to know each other.

The time Gar told him he was amazing, not a hint of evil inside. How They kissed in the motel. The pure bliss he felt when he learned Gar cared for him the way he did. How Gar saved him in the asylum. Every time he healed Gar after that.

The train. All of it. He remembered all of it.

"You gotta fight it, Cal. Please don't give in." Gar continued.

The light overpowered the darkness by a mile. The jolt of energy thrusted Calvin's true light back to the surface. He gasped, burying the darkness inside.

He looked at Gar's hand. Then turned and looked at Gar completely. He looked into Gar's eyes, tears bubbling within his own.

"You're alive," He breathed in relief. He was a sight for sore eyes.

Though he had multiple cuts and contusions, he was alive. Bloodied and bruised, but alive nonetheless.

Gar smiled. "And you're you." He said.

Calvin leaned forward and pressed a feverish kiss upon Gar's lip. Gar grunted and kissed him back. A current of light erected around them, causing explosions.

They pulled apart. Gar smiled sheepishly. "We should, uh, you know.. Uh stop your father." He stammered.

"Yeah, right." Calvin said shaking his head. Trying to come down from the adrenaline of the kiss.

He turned to his sister. "I need Rachel first." He said.

Calvin took Rachel's hand. He didn't need to speak. Their connection did all of the work. The green light spread across Rachel's body and she gasped. Back to herself.

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