Now Show Me Yours

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Now Show Me Yours
Season One: Episode 5

A few days later, Calvin was still getting used to the new dynamic. He went from living in a mansion with 4 other people to being crammed in a car with, well, 4 other people. The only upside to this new adventure, was a minivan. He got a lot more leg room in that than the Porsche.

"Are we there yet?" Calvin asked from the backseat.

"For the millionth time," Kory began. "No." Her aggravation was both heard and felt.

"Actually, we are." Dick said. He drove into the parking lot of a rundown motel. It looked vacant, seeing as there was only 1 other car in the parking lot.

Calvin grinned. "Ha," He said triumphantly.

Kory made a face at him in the rear view. She pushed her fiery curls from her face.

Gar leaned into the front seat. "I still can't believe you traded in the Porsche for a minivan.

Dick sighed. "At least we can all fit," He said glancing out the window.

"I like the van," Kory said.

"Me too." Calvin chimed.

"We're not actually staying here, are we?" Rachel asked.

"You know, there's probably a nicer place down the road." Kory said to Dick.

"We're being hunted by sociopaths. Nicer places draw attention." Dick said.

"Yeah, well, they also make it easier to sleep." Kory retorted.

"I'm sorry, can we go back to the part about the sociopaths?" Calvin asked.

"One road in, same road out. Only one point of access we have to watch. And also, it's quiet. If trouble comes our way, we should hear it first." Said Dick.

Calvin figured they didn't hear him. The alternative was that they ignored him. He wasn't easy to ignore, so it must've been the former.

"And who said anything about sleeping?" Dick added as he pushed the car door open. He stepped out and shut the door.

They sat in the van and watched him walk away in silence. "I am once again asking about the sociopaths." Calvin said.

Rachel turned to him. "Not now, Cal." She said.

They climbed out of the van as Dick emerged from the lobby with keys. The band of misfits followed him to his room.

Around 30 or so minutes later, they had cheap pizza to cure their groaning stomachs.

Calvin plucked a slice from the box Gar held on one arm. He glanced at Gar and found Gar's eyes on him. Both of them, caught staring, blushed and turned away.

Calvin dipped his slice of pizza in hot sauce. It was horribly unhealthy, and he knew it, but it tasted like heaven.

"That is.. Is that even good?" Gar asked, pulling a face.

"I know it seems gross, but it tastes so good. I mean, people eat pizza and hot wings all the time, this is basically that." Calvin explained before taking another bite.

"Can I try?" Rachel asked.

Calvin offered the hot sauce to her. She dipped her pizza and took a hesitant bite. As she chewed, her face loosened. She hummed. "Not bad," She said.

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