Look What You Made Me Do

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Look What You Made Me Do

"You what?" Asked Calvin. His grip tightened on the Walkman.

"I helped bring you into the world. Your mother's pregnancy was quite an ordeal for her, Calvin, I imagine your parents told you as much?" Asked Niles. His eyes flicked to the Walkman.

Calvin noticed a darkness in Nile's eyes. Furthermore, a prickle of dread within his gut began to grow. He wanted to back away and run but he didn't know why.

All he knew for sure, is that he couldn't. He couldn't run away from Niles. Niles was the one man who could give him all of the answers he needed.

"T..They told me about my family's curse. Mom never talked about her pregnancy."

"I see. Do your parents know you are here? I can't imagine they'd approve you being here."

"My parents are dead," Said Calvin without missing a beat. "And they sent me to you, so obviously they trusted you. So can you help me?"

Niles hummed. It wasn't surprise Calvin saw in his eyes. The old man's gaze seemed to be more content than anything. He bobbed his head as if he'd confirmed a theory.

"Help you with?"

"Everyone says you've been so helpful to them. That you taught them control. I can't control my powers, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Calvin said. He dropped his eyes to the floor.

The weight of Niles' gaze felt heavy upon him. He couldn't quite handle it. Nor could he withstand the fear bubbling in his stomach.

"I can help you, but you must help me too. In order for me to understand the extent of your powers, I must complete some experiments." Niles said.

Calvin's eyes snapped up. Niles was still looking at him. Still studying his every move.

"I-Experiments?" He asked. He turned to the stairway as Gar came rushing upstairs.

Gar had green headphones hanging from his neck. 2 controllers twinkled in his hands. "Cal, do you want to play some--Chief!"

The Chief peeled his eyes away from Calvin. His glare burned into Gar's face next. "Garfield," He said in a tone Calvin couldn't describe. "We will talk later."

Gar nodded quickly. He tucked the controllers behind his back. "I..."

"Later," Niles repeated. "Calvin and I were just about to head to the lab. To learn more about his powers, weren't we Calvin?"

Calvin looked at Gar, then at Niles. "Yes," He sighed in resignation.

"Come," Said Niles.

Calvin's feet carried him to a part of the manor he hadn't been before. It was much darker than the others. Colder, too.

This was Niles Caulder's domain. The lab was small and dark like the hall. A single blue light illuminated the metal table in the room. It's worn leather straps too.

Calvin gulped. "Are you sure this is the only way? I can answer any questions you have.."

"I will get all the answers I need soon enough. On the table, Calvin." Said Niles with his back turned. He fired up the monitors behind the table.

Calvin climbed into the metal. A chill sank into his skin and climbed up his spine. Despite his shaking, he laid back.

"S..So can you tell me about my parents? How did you know them?" He asked to still his nerves.

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