Pressure & Reassurance

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Pressure & Reassurance

Calvin turned the photo over in his hand. He looked at his parents. His mother, to be specific. She was smiling. Smiling wider than he ever saw when she was alive.

A white elastic suit, detailed with green hugged her body. Her thin dreadlocks spilled over her shoulders. She hugged Calvin's father. Their suits complimented one another's. His was green and detailed with white.

Calvin stared at the photo. His eyes narrowed. It took every ounce of will inside of him not to ball the photo up and toss it.

"Cal?" Gar asked, voice gentle.

Calvin jammed the photo back into the box. He turned to Gar and blinked. Trying his best to kill the tears of frustration before they fell.

"I don't get it, Gar, why wouldn't they tell me? Wh... Why did they lie to me?" He asked, looking Gar in the eye.

Gar could hear anger in his voice. In his eyes, he could see pain. Gar didn't have the answers, words failed him. "I don't know, but I know they loved you. Look."

Gar lifted a scrapbook from the box. It was black and bare. Titled "Baby Photos."

Calvin scooted closer to Gar. So close that their knees and shoulders touched. He pulled the book onto their knees and opened it up.

Gar watched Calvin we he studied the photo. He fought to ignore his racing heart. The blush on his cheeks as well. It wasn't the time or the place for his stupid heart to act up like this.

"This must be my mom's ultrasound. It's from March, 2003." Said Calvin. A sad smile tugged at the corners of lips mouth. He stroked his thumb across the sonogram.

Gar forced himself to look away. He cleared his throat and focused on the page. He looked at Calvin again. Gar saw Calvin's face fall.

"What's wrong?" Gar asked.

Calvin jabbed the ultrasound with his finger. "This. This is what's wrong." He said.

Gar followed Calvin's finger. He scratched his head. "Uh, I'm sorry I have no idea what I'm looking at. All I see is two grey blobs."

"That's the problem. There's only supposed to be one blob, Gar. My parents said I didn't have a twin. They said I broke the curse. They lied to me... Again."

Calvin shut the book. He looked down at his trembling hands. He squeezed them to stop the pins and needles against his palm. It was a painful reminder that he was still covered in dried blood. He stood up quickly. The floor seemed to sway under his feet.

Gar caught him before he fell. "Woah, are you okay?"

Calvin pulled away from him. "I'm fine, I-I can't do this. I have to get out of these clothes, I have to get out of this place. The..."

Calvin swayed once more. He wheezed in a breath. His chest was so tight that oxygen barely got through. He clutched his chest.

"Calvin I think you're having a panic attack. I..I what do I do? How do I help?" Gar asked. He was close to freaking out like Calvin.

"P-Pressure... Pressure and reassurance." Calvin stammered.

Gar didn't waste a moment on hesitance. He pulled Calvin into his arms. He squeezed Calvin tight. The beat of Calvin's heart pounded against his chest.

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