Into The Woods

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Into The Woods
Season One: Episode 4

Waking up in an unfamiliar place is never ideal. Especially when that unfamiliar place, happens to be in the woods. Branches don't make for good pillows.

Calvin groaned and sat up. Dried leaves stuck to his mini-fro. Normally, he kept his hair in a low fade but given his circumstances of late, a haircut was the last thing on his mind. The first thing, however, wasn't a thing at all. It was a boy.

"Gar?" He called, rubbing his eyes.

Calvin looked around and saw nothing but trees. "Did I teleport in my sleep?" He asked out loud. He pushed himself to his feet. "Of course I did."

He started to stomp over dried branches and fallen leaves. He hugged himself. The cold winds made his predicament worse.

"Next time, teleport the blanket too please." He hissed to himself.

Calvin continued through the woods. He stopped when he heard a sound. Branches snapping behind him, and heavy breathing.

He turned around just as someone crashed into him. He fell on his behind and so did she. Calvin and Rachel looked up at once. They locked eyes and gasped.

"It's you," He said.

"You're the boy from my dream. I-I remember you from the skating rink too." Rachel said, pointing at him.

"Wait you had a dream about me? I had a dream about you." He said.

"I--" Rachel's eyes went wide as they peered behind him.

Calvin heard heavy paws crunching on dry leaves. The guttural heaves of a beast made the hairs on his neck stand up. He turned slowly.

The tension in his chest released when he saw the familiar green tiger come to a stop behind him. In his mouth, he clung to his clothing.

"Calvin we have to..."

"It's fine, Rachel, he won't hurt us." Calvin said. He climbed to his knees and rubbed Gar's head. The green tiger nuzzled into his touch, and purred like the big kitten he was.

"You found me," Calvin said. He bit his lip to keep from smiling. He slipped Gar's clothes from the tiger's mouth.

"What's going on?" Rachel asked, visibly and audibly freaked out.

Calvin sighed. "I know this is gonna sound crazy," He began. "But you know this tiger, he's Gar. From the skating rink."

"He's what?" She asked, mouth gaping.

Gar walked behind a bundle of dried branches. His bones cracked as they snapped back into place. He grunted as the final bone clicked. He transformed back into the green-haired boy.

Calvin walked over to the branches and passed Gar his clothes. He made a conscious effort not to look.

"Thanks," Gar said with a sheepish smile.

"Don't, Uh, no.. no problem." Calvin responded, turning his back as the boy got dressed. He smiled at Rachel, who had yet to pick her jaw up off of the ground.

"How... How'd you..."

"Don't worry. I don't bite," Said Gar with his hand out. He jogged from around the cover of the branches.

"He doesn't, trust me." Calvin said to her.

"Well, come on." Said Gar.

Calvin took Rachel's hand and Gar took his. The 3 teens ran through the woods. They happened upon a familiar cabin.

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