Snowed In

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Snowed In

His parents were dead. They laid side by side, holding hands. Blood pooled around their heads, which shared matching bullet holes.

Calvin cupped his hands around his mother's head. He shut his eyes tight and tried to think of the bird. "Please work, please work..." he repeated on a loop. It didn't work. The green light never took over his eyes or hands. There was no healing to be done. She was past his help.

"Find Niles Caulder. Find hi..." The green light fizzled until it was gone. Until John was gone. John's eyes never closed. They simply stared at his fallen wife. His head remained in Calvin's lap for a while longer.

"Dad? Dad no. Please don't leave me here alone. Please!" Calvin sobbed. He hugged his father's dead body and soaked himself in blood...

A gasp roused Calvin out of a nightmare. A nightmare that felt all too real. He remembered his mother telling him "Dreams are our escape from the day."

That was no escape. After the day he faced, he deserved an escape.

The howl of a cold breeze called to him. He peered around him and took note of a rundown cabin. The windows were broken and boarded. The door hung on 2 hinges, the third broken. There weren't any lights, and the furniture was rundown. Snow filtered in from a crack in the roof.

Calvin lifted his head from a fuzzy pillow. It wasn't until then, he noticed the heat against his back. He turned to the sound of soft snores.

His eyes popped out of his head and his jaw dropped. A large green tiger, the large green tiger, was fast asleep beside him. The tiger was curled up so that Calvin remained warm and had a soft place to lay his head.

"What the?" He whispered. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up the Tiger.

Then again, this strange tiger saved him yesterday. "Wait a minute," He said to himself. "You were a boy. I saw you change." Calvin continued.

The tiger farted himself awake. He jumped onto all fours, on high alert. When the tiger realized there was no danger, he curled back up.

"Wakey, wakey, Tigger." Calvin said, waving his hand in front of his nose. "Geez what did you eat?" He added.

The tiger growled in response. Calvin quickly rose his hands in surrender. "Okay I'm sorry. Don't eat me!" He cried with his eyes closed.

A roar echoed throughout the cabin. The snapping of bones and a few growls followed. Calvin kept his eyes closed.

"Uh, don't look yet please." Said Gar. He was completely naked and the cold air made things 10 times worse.

Calvin opened his eyes, astounded. "Wh.. How are you... You were just a tiger!" He exclaimed.

Gar stumbled over an uneven floorboard. He fell on top of his pile of clothes. "I said don't look yet!" He screamed, turning crimson with embarrassment.

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