Relationships with Slytherin

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-The Hufflepuff would kill for their Slytherin and vica versus

-When Hufflepuff is in the hospital, Slytherin sneaks away from class to be with them because they cannot go a whole day without them before going insane

-they know each other's common room passwords and hang out around there, everyones used to it
First Year "why are there Hufflepuffs in the Slytherin common room."
Seventh Year "this is just normal, you don't have..."
First Year "so I can bring my Hufflepuff friend here, AWESOME!!"

-Slytherin are extremely hateful towards themselves but if they do it in front of their Hufflepuff buddy, they will drag them down to the Hufflepuff common room and make them feel better with ice cream, Netflix and warm blankets

-they are rare but are like BFF Goals

-their lives pretty much rotate around the other person

-if a tear so much as escapes a Hufflepuff's eye, there will be death to anyone involved

-Slytherins are going to every social event because their Hufflepuff buddy is going and they make it more enjoyable

-the Slytherin is a complete softie when they're around their Hufflepuff and the Hufflepuffs become angry hedgehogs when someone hurts their Slytherin

-imagine when they get back from the summer holidays because it's the only holidays they can't spend together at hogwarts. Imagine the Slytherin immediately break from their parents and absolutely forget that their younger sibling is starting Hogwart because it's been three long months without their Hufflepuff and they need to see them.

-they talk about everything and nothing at the same time

-The Hufflepuff has a sixth sense that something is wrong with the Slytherin. Like the Hufflepuff is talking to someone before stopping talking and run to the Slytherin Common room because their Slytherin is upset

-they hangout 24/7

-those friendships that last forever

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