Chapter 29 -- "I'm okay, really."

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Few weeks later....





"Elizabeth! There's a very special letter for you!" Mum shouted from the staricase. I was in my room, in California. Home sweet home. 

After I lefted London expectly, it ran back into my Mum's arms. That week was probably the hardest week ever. I kinda got into a post-breakup depression. I barely ate, barely talked, and all I did was just sit in my room and stare into open space. After that week passed, I lefted myself alone. I turned to blades--blades of pain. I thought that was the only choice. Nothing mattered. Not even my life. All I wanted was love. I was in love of being in love. But I never felt like this about anyone. Not even Gregg. It was Louis.

He was kinda the person that will dress up as a teletubbie to make you feel better. He would be the guy that will catch my tears and wipe them away from my face.

But I can't feel that anymore. I felt empty. Blank. Nothing.

I ripped myself from my bed, quickly getting a long sleeved sweater from my closet, even though it was warm outside. I didn't want Mum to see my scars. It will kill her to see me like that. "Coming!" I yelled down.

I quickly gathered my composor and put on my "happy face" that I have been pulling off these few weeks. My eyes were no longer bloodshot, and the swell of my face (because I was crying so much at night) died down. 

I ran down the stairs to see what I had gotten. Maybe a letter from Louis? 

"Hey. Look what came! It's from University!"

University. Great. "University of London?"

"It sure is, sweety." Mum smiled.

Taking in a deep breath, I ripped open the large envelope. Slowly, I slid the paper out.

Dear Ms. Elizabeth Edwards,

Let me congratulate you on the behalf of University of London. You have been selected for the full scholorship in the course of Journalism at our school. Your academic profile talks about your commitment and interest in academics. We are sure you will prove your mettle and not let our confidence down.

The University of London would be pleased to have such a excellent student attending. We see a bright future for you, Ms. Edwards. Please contact us as soon as possible as to if you want to attend our university. 

Best regards, Headmaster Philips.


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