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Stiles slowly woke up, his eyes gently fluttering open as he released a quiet sigh and sat up in his chair

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Stiles slowly woke up, his eyes gently fluttering open as he released a quiet sigh and sat up in his chair.

His gaze wandered to the hospital bed in front of him, the boy frowning as his father was no longer there.

Stiles glanced at Alex curled up in the chair next to him, the girl still asleep. He then glanced back at the empty hospital bed again and began to panic.

Needing his girlfriend, Stiles reached over and gently shook Alex, the boy whispering. "Alex, wake up."

At this, Alex's eyes fluttered open, the girl waking up.

"What is it?" Alex questioned as she stretched a little.

"My dad's gone." Stiles panicked as he gestured to the hospital bed.

"What?" Alex frowned, the girl sitting up in her chair. Her gaze shifted to the open door, Stiles glancing in the same direction, his eyes going wide.

"Come on." Stiles spoke as he stood up, Alex following his movements.

The two walked towards the elevator, Stiles pressing the button that read 'B'.

Once they arrived, the two walked towards the morgue, both Stiles and Alex frowning as they witnessed Noah staring at Donovan's body.

Stiles's heart rate began to speed up, his eyes going teary. Alex glanced at him, her hand interlocking with his as her gaze softened.

Stiles glanced down at their interlocked hands, then back to Alex's face.

"Do you wanna go in there?" Alex whispered.

Stiles released a shaky breath, but nodded anyway.

Squeezing Alex's hand for reassurance, the boy then opened the door with his free hand, catching Noah's attention.


"The story Theo told me about the library." Noah started as Stiles and Alex stood on the opposite side to him. "That's how it happened."

Stiles nervously fidgeted with his fingers, Alex crossing her arms as she glanced at Noah.

"Except it didn't happen to him." Noah added.

Stiles released a breath as he whispered. "Yeah..."

"Stiles, I can't protect you if I don't know what happened." Noah replied, his gaze set on his son.

GRAVEYARD, teen wolf (5)Where stories live. Discover now