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Alex walked down the hallways of Beacon Hills High School, a confident smirk placed on her face as she walked next to Lydia Martin, the queen bee of the school and her best friend

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Alex walked down the hallways of Beacon Hills High School, a confident smirk placed on her face as she walked next to Lydia Martin, the queen bee of the school and her best friend.

"Oh god, just look straight ahead." Lydia scoffed, Alex frowning at her in question.

"What, why?" Alex asked.

"Your loser friends are at their lockers." Lydia responded with a scowl, Alex rolling her eyes at Lydia's attitude towards her two best friends, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall.

Alex sarcastically gasped as she put a hand to her heart. "God forbid they actually use them."

Lydia sent her a pointed look, Alex continuing in a serious tone. "I need to get my books anyway."

"But your locker is, like, right next to theirs." Lydia whined, the girl not wanting to be seen anywhere near Scott and Stiles, the so called 'nerds' of the school.

"So? Suck it up, it's not the end of the world." Alex simply replied as the two approached her locker, Lydia huffing in annoyance as she reluctantly followed Alex.

The strawberry blonde stood next to Alex, facing away from Stiles and Scott as she began to twirl a piece of her strawberry blonde hair in her fingers, waiting for Alex to get her books out of her locker.

Alex sent a small smile towards her best friends, Scott sending her a small wave, while Stiles sent her a grin in return.

"You're lucky we're best friends, otherwise you'd be classified as a total loser for hanging out with them."  Lydia started, Alex huffing a chuckle at her words as she closed her locker door.

"I don't care about status, Lyds." Alex replied, Lydia raising her eyebrows.

"Well, you should." Lydia shrugged, Jackson approaching the two with a small smirk, his gaze set on Lydia.

"Hey, babe." Lydia grinned as Jackson snaked his arm around her waist, the boy leaning over and kissing Lydia, Alex rolling her eyes at the two.

During these times, Alex was super grateful she had Stiles and Scott to hang out with. She couldn't stand Jackson.

"Alex." Jackson spoke in an unamused tone as he pulled away from Lydia, Alex sighing as she responded, her tone laced with annoyance as she didn't look at him.

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