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a credible threat

Lucas comfortingly stroked Lydia's arm as the two were sitting on the edge of Lydia's bed, Lydia's head resting on his shoulder comfortably, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of being Lucas' arms

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Lucas comfortingly stroked Lydia's arm as the two were sitting on the edge of Lydia's bed, Lydia's head resting on his shoulder comfortably, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of being Lucas' arms.

"Thank you Lucas." Lydia softly started as she opened her eyes, the girl slowly moving her head up as she turned to face him, Lucas meeting her gaze as his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"For what?" Lucas quietly asked.

"Everything." Lydia whispered, a small smile appearing on her face as she spoke, Lucas exhaling a breath as he smiled too.

A brief moment passed, their gazes flickering between each other's eyes as they admired one another.

Cupping her hand on Lucas' cheek, Lydia slowly leaned in and connected their lips in a soft kiss, both of their eyes closing at the feeling.

Lucas cupped her cheek as the kiss deepened, the two melting into it.

Lydia felt her heart skip a beat at the action, Lucas smirking against her lips.

After a moment, they slowly pulled away, their eyes flickering open as they did so.

"That was..." Lydia started, her voice barely a whisper as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Amazing." Lucas finished, a smile already taking over his lips as his eyes flickered between hers.

Sending him another smile, Lydia leaned in and connected their lips once again.


Scott glanced at his phone, the boy reading a text message from Chris Argent out-loud. "He's headed to the school."

"Why is Parrish going to the school?" Liam questioned as he glanced between Alex and Stiles in the front seats, Scott sitting next to him in the back.

"He probably wants something educational." Alex sarcastically answered with a shrug.

Stiles smirked a little at the words as he glanced at Alex briefly before shifting his gaze back to the road again.

"It's not Parrish." Scott glanced at Liam as he added. "At least not right now."

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?" Liam corrected his own words as he glanced between the older teenagers again.

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