Chapter 1

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While I shouldn't have to post this message, several people have made it clear that they care way too much about about who I pair Kara with, so I'm just going to get this out of the way now. I chose the pairing for this story due to the interactions I saw in Crisis part two. I pride myself on doing original pairings and I wish I'd done this one sooner. Just to be clear, I will not be doing SuperCorp, SuperFlash, Karamel or any other pairing for Kara in this story. I'm giving SuperAtom a try and I hope you guys like it. And now, Multiverse Reborn: Supergirl

When Kara opened her eyes, she found herself face to face with the monitor.

"What is going on. Where am I?" Kara asked.

"Calm yourself Kara Zor-El. You are safe. Welcome to my realm." Novu said.

"What am I doing here?" Kara asked.

"I brought you and the other paragons here to recover while I worked to undo Mobius's damage." Novu said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"Do you remember what happened before you came here?" Novu asked.

"I remember the Anti-Monitor appearing on the Waverider and then, me and the other paragons attacking him. Everything after that is a blur." Kara said.

"Allow me to explain then. The five of you managed to overwhelm my opposite long enough for me to take not only my own power back, but also his own power from him. However, it appears that the Anti-Monitor had a contingency for such an event." Novu said.

"What happened?" Kara asked.

"I didn't just take his power, I absorbed his life energy from him and while doing so destroyed him, it triggered a final antimatter wave that destroyed the last remaining earth." Novu said.

"What?" Kara asked.

"However, there is a silver lining." Novu said.

"How is there a silver lining?" Kara demanded.

"Because while the old multiverse is truly gone, what was taken can be replaced." Novu said.

"A new multiverse." Kara realized and Novu nodded.

"With my restored powers, I was able to recreate the event that created the first multiverse and created a new one while also bringing you and the other four paragons here to recover while the new multiverse evolved to the point that the old one was at before it was destroyed." Novu said.

"How long have we been here?" Kara asked.

"Time does not pass here. What took eons to occur to every other life form in the new Multiverse will have felt like it was done instantly to you and the others." Novu said.

"I notice only two other paragons are here. Where are Barry and Oliver?" Kara asked.

"I have already sent them on their way." Novu said.

"On their way, to what?" Kara asked.

"Their new earth. The reason I brought the paragons from the previous multiverse to this one was to ensure that it would be protected, should another threat emerge that requires the five of you." Novu said.

"So, are you going to send me to Earth 38 in this new multiverse?" Kara asked.

"No. One critical difference between this Multiverse and the previous one is that both you and your cousin have counterparts on Earth One now. I intend to send you there. You'll find your timeline similar to what it was before." Novu said.

"So, it'll basically be like my life took place on Earth one?" Kara asked.

"Exactly. Now the greatest heroes of the Multiverse will all live on the same earth." Novu said.

"Is there anything else I need to know before you send me?" Kara asked.

"I will be giving you the memories of your counterpart, since you will essentially be replacing her on the new Earth one. You will need her memories to keep from drawing suspicion. Also, in order to prevent the timeline of this Earth one from being too badly altered, I have to send all five of you to the same date. October 10th, 2012." Novu said.

"Why then?" Kara asked.

"It is the day that the age of heroes truly began. The best time for earths greatest heroes to make their debuts on it." Novu said and Kara nodded.

"Do it." Kara said, wondering what would be waiting for her on this new earth.

"As you wish." Novu said as he waved his hand and Kara felt like her head was on fire before her vision went dark as Novu sent her into the new multiverse.

Multiverse Reborn: SupergirlWhere stories live. Discover now