Chapter 2

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When Kara woke up, she found herself back in her loft in National City, collecting her memories of both of the old Multiverse and the new one and she had to say, she was a little annoyed, since here she was, a pulitzer prize winning reporter, but here, she was back to being Cat Grant's errand girl. However, she'd proven herself before and she was willing to do so again.

Anyways, she went to Noonan's to pick up both her and Cat's lattes and while she was waiting, she bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Kara said as she looked up and she nearly lost her breath at who it was.

"No problem. My mistake. I'm Ray Palmer." Ray Palmer said, shaking it off and smiling at her.

"I'm Kara Danvers and I am running late." Kara said apologetically as she grabbed the lattes and rushed out of the cafe.

Kara checked her watch and saw that she was going to be late, so she walked into a nearby alley and after it looked like she was clear, she flew into the air towards Catco. What she somehow managed to miss in her rush was that someone had followed her into the alley.

When Kara arrived at Catco, she found that she'd still managed to make it in before Cat had and she let out a breath of relief as she made sure that Cat's latte was still hot when she entered the office.

"Kiera, where is my latte?" Cat asked, right as Kara placed it in her waiting hand.

"Right here Ms. Grant." Kara said, trying to keep annoyance out of her voice that she was forced to do this again.

"Oh, it's hot for once. You finally figured that out." Cat said.

"I finally managed to get my timing right. Anyways, I've already set up your schedule for today." Kara said and Cat barely nodded as she entered her office.

"Why are you still here. Get back to work." Cat said.

"Yes Ms. Grant." Kara said as she went to sit at her old desk as Cat's assistant.

Later on that day, as Kara worked, she heard someone walk up to her desk.

Assuming it was Cat, Kara just said "The layouts are their way down to publishing as we speak Ms. Grant."

"Really, well that's good to know, even though I'm not Cat Grant." Ray said, causing Kara to jump in surprise.

"Ray, I'm so sorry I thought you were my boss." Kara apologized.

"Well I am. So tell me, what brings the CEO of Palmer Technologies to my door." Cat said flirtatiously.

"It's a personal matter, but I promise if you give me some time to speak to your assistant alone, I'll give you an exclusive." Ray said.

"Deal." Cat said as she walked back into her office.

"Ray, what brings you here?" Kara asked.

"Can we talk in private?" Ray asked.

"Yeah sure." Kara said, wondering what this was about, but she got up from her desk and led Ray towards a more secluded part of the office.

"So, after we bumped into each other this morning, I may have followed you outside so I could ask for your number." Ray said.

"Really." Kara said, wondering if he saw her fly.

"And imagine my surprise when I saw you do this." Ray said as he showed her a video on his phone of her flying off.

"Ray, I swear, it's not what it looks like." Kara said.

"Really. Because I think you being an alien would be very cool." Ray said.

"Really?" Kara asked, though she shouldn't be surprised.

"Yeah. And it's not just because I'm a science nerd." Ray said and Kara smiled.

"Okay, but still, why do I get the feeling that your silence is going to come at a price?" Kara asked and Ray smiled.

"Well, I was going to keep this to myself for free, but now that you mention it, I will keep your secret on two conditions." Ray said.

"And they are?" Kara asked.

"One, you tell me what kind of alien you are and what else you can do and two, you have to agree to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night." Ray said and Kara smiled.

"Deal. I promise I will tell you anything you want to know at dinner tomorrow and to make sure you know how to reach me." Kara said as she quickly pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled something down on it.

"What's this?" Ray asked as she handed it to him.

"My phone number and my address. How else will you know where and when to pick me up?" Kara asked and Ray smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you then." Ray said with a smile as he returned the favor before walking out of the office, leaving Kara a little flustered, though she smiled at the thought of going out to dinner with Ray.

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