Chapter 3

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After work, Kara immediately called her sister.

"Kara, hey, what's up?" Alex asked.

"I just thought you'd like to know that I have a date." Kara said.

"Okay, do not say another word, I will be at your loft in 5 minutes and you'd better have full details." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes at that.

"Okay, fine." Kara said.

When Alex arrived at her apartment, she just walked right in without even letting Kara invite her in before sitting down on the couch.

"Okay, now talk. Who's the lucky guy?" Alex asked.

"Ray Palmer." Kara said.

"Wait, the CEO of Palmer Technologies. How did this happen?" Alex asked.

"Honestly, it was completely by accident. I was at Noonan's this morning, getting coffee for Ms. Grant like usual and I bumped into him." Kara said.

"Seriously?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I mean I introduced myself to him, but I didn't have time to chit chat, so I rushed out, but he followed me out. And he saw me fly." Kara said.

"Wait what?" Alex asked.

"I was rushed and I couldn't be late for work and in my rush, I didn't see him follow me." Kara said.

"So, he knows you're an alien." Alex asked.

"Yes, he does and he doesn't care. Alex, he tracked me to Catco just so he could ask me out." Kara said and Alex couldn't help but smile at that.

"So, you're going out on a date with Ray Palmer." Alex said.

"Yeah. I have a good feeling about him and if it gets to the point where we meet each other's families you have to promise not to scare him off." Kara said.

"Deal. So when's your date?" Alex asked.

"Tomorrow night." Kara said.

"Tell me what time so that I can be here early to help you get ready. And not just because I want you to marry into money." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes.

"I don't care about Ray's money. It's just an added bonus." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"Seriously, Kara, Ray knows that you're alien and he's not freaking out or telling the world. That alone earns him some points with me." Alex said and Kara smiled.

"Thank you Alex." Kara said as she hugged her sister.

The following evening, like Alex promised, she came over to Kara's place before her date to help her get ready.

"Now, I want details about the date when you get home tonight." Alex said as she applied the finishing touches to Kara's look.

"Tomorrow." Kara said.

"Deal. Now I'll get out of here before Ray arrives to pick you up." Alex said.

"Good, you understand how this works." Kara said and Alex laughed as she walked out of the apartment.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on her apartment door, Kara opened it to find Ray waiting for her.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Ray said as he took in the sight of Kara with her blonde hair down and dressed in a strapless blue dress that went down to her knees.

"Thanks. You look pretty nice yourself." Kara said.

"I have something for you." Ray said as he handed her a bouquet of red roses.

"Wow Ray, they're beautiful." Kara said with a smile as she took the roses and placed them in a vase.

"Almost as beautiful as you." Ray said and Kara smiled, since this date was already off to a great start.

"So, shall we?" Ray asked as he held out his arm to Kara, who smiled as she took it in her arm.

Kara couldn't believe all the stops Ray was pulling out just to impress her. First the roses, then he took her to their date in a limo and he'd gotten them a reservation at the most expensive restaurants in the city.

"Ray, this isn't necessary. You didn't need to pull out all the stops with me." Kara said when she and Ray were shown into a private dining room.

"I know, but still, I wanted to make tonight special for you. Plus, this private room will make it easier for us to have that conversation you promised me." Ray said and Kara smiled as they were seated.

"Okay, ask away." Kara said.

"Okay, so my first question is, what planet are you from?" Ray asked.

"Krypton." Kara said.

"Wait, you're from the same planet as Superman?" Ray asked.

"He's my cousin actually." Kara said.

"I'm on a date with Superman's cousin." Ray said.

"Relax Ray." Kara said, seeing him starting to panic.

"Okay, sorry. But, why aren't you a hero like him?" Ray asked.

"I've been asking myself the same question for years. And honestly, I think the reason for it is because other people have always told me that the world already has a Superman. It doesn't need me to." Kara said, though she'd already decided that was crap. She was a hero and it was time for her to become one.

"Kara, I have a feeling that you were sent here to do more than just be Cat Grant's assistant." Ray said.

"I know and I've finally decided to stop denying that part of me. I am going to be a hero." Kara said and Ray smiled.

"I just have one more question." Ray said.

"Really and what might that be?" Kara asked.

"Can I make your suit?" Ray asked and Kara smiled.

"Yes. However, I will need to get some things first." Kara said and Ray nodded eagerly at the idea of making Kara's super suit.

"Deal. Now, let's move on with our date." Ray said and Kara smiled.

"Sounds good to me." Kara said as their waiter brought them a bottle of wine and they continued on with their date.

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