Chapter 7

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Kara was starting to get concerned about Ray. It had been over a week since their date at the fortress of solitude and Kara hadn't seen or heard from her boyfriend since she'd brought him back, though until now, she mostly just chalked that up to him giving her the silent treatment for making him leave the Fortress of Solitude, but now, she was not only starting to get worried about him, but she was also getting impatient for him to finish making her suit.

However, just as she was about to leave her apartment to go to Palmer Technologies to check on him, there was a knock on the door and Kara sighed in relief when she x-ray visioned the door and saw who was on the other side.

"Ray. Thank Rao, I was so worried when I couldn't get in touch with you." Kara said when she opened the door and hugged her boyfriend.

"Sorry, but I've spent the week working on a surprise for you and I didn't want to risk ruining it." Ray said.

"I already knew you were working on my suit." Kara said.

"Besides your suit. Come with me and I'll show you." Ray said eagerly and Kara smiled.

"Okay, let's go." Kara said as she let Ray pull her out of her apartment.

"So, why are we approaching your work building." Kara asked wearily.

"Just come with me." Ray said as he led her into the building.

"Dr. Palmer, who is this?" the receptionist asked as they entered the building.

"This is my girlfriend Kara Danvers. She is to be shown up to my office immediately whenever she's here, unless I'm in a meeting." Ray said and the receptionist nodded.

"I'll send a message to security to let them know." the receptionist said and Ray nodded as he led Kara towards the elevators.

"What, are we going up to your office?" Kara asked as they entered the elevator.

"Nope." Ray said as he pulled out a security card and slid it into a slot over the buttons.

"We're going to the sublevel." Ray said.

"Does every tech company have sublevels?" Kara asked herself, since every other tech company in National City she'd been to, Lord Technology, L-Corp, they had secret labs underneath them.

"What?" Ray asked.

"This place has sublevels?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, for more dangerous and top secret projects. Only the top level scientists and security personnel are cleared to access or even know about them." Ray said.

"So, what is down here that you want me to see?" Kara asked.

"That is on the lowest sublevel, which is my private secret lab. Or rather was. Now I found a different use for it. You'll see." Ray said as the elevator doors opened and Kara now understood what Ray had spent the past week doing as she looked around the lab.

"You turned your lab into a base." Kara said.

"I thought if you're going to be a superhero, then you'll need a base. But this one is really just temporary while I work on something else. I'll tell you when I finish it." Ray said and Kara nodded.

"Great, but while this base is nice, I still need something else before I can go out." Kara said.

"I know. That's why I made you this." Ray said as he pulled a necklace out of his pocket.

"A necklace?" Kara asked.

"It's more than just a necklace. Let me put it on you and then I'll explain." Ray said and Kara nodded as she then remembered Ray's main party trick back in the old multiverse and started to have her suspicions about the necklace.

"Okay then." Kara said as she held up her hair for Ray to place the necklace on and she noticed that at the bottom of the chain was a charm that bore her family crest.

"Okay, now what?" Kara asked.

"Press the charm on the necklace." Ray said as and Kara nodded as she did exactly that and as expected, the necklace began releasing nanites that formed her suit, which happened to look exactly like her old suit from before the reality reboot. She quickly removed her glasses and let her hair down as her suit finished forming.

"So what do you think?" Ray asked.

"It's perfect. Thank you Ray." Kara said with a grin as she kissed him.

"I'm glad you like it. I thought about going with a skirt, but in the end, I thought that pants would make you feel more comfortable. The whole thing is made out of the kryptonian fabric I took from the fortress, interwoven with these experimental nanites I've been working in the field of miniaturization. This is actually the first time it's worked successfully. But can I see your glasses?" Ray asked.

"Yeah why?" Kara asked as she handed them to him.

"While the necklace is the suit's carrying case, I created a sensor to attach to your glasses to serve as the activator. When you take them off, the suit will materialize as long as you're wearing the necklace and when you put them back on, the suit will retract back into necklace form." Ray said.

"You are brilliant." Kara said with a smile as she kissed him again.

"I know." Ray said as he gently attached the sensor to her glasses and returned them to her.

"Thank you. Superman is going to be so jealous." Kara said.

"You think maybe he'll let me modify his suit?" Ray asked.

"I'll ask, but no promises." Kara said, right as the computers beeped an alarm.

"What's that?" Kara asked.

"I tapped into the NCPD database so that way you'd be able to keep up with any crimes in the city. Now, I think it's time that you make your debut." Ray said.

"What's the alert?" Kara asked.

"You know Leslie Willis?" Ray asked as he looked over the report.

"Yeah, she was shock jockey at Catco before she pissed Cat off was transferred to traffic copter. She's been in a coma ever since she was struck by lightning in the chopper, which Superman saved." Kara said, having a feeling she already knew what this was.

"Well, it appears that not only is she awake, she's mad." Ray said

"I'm on it. Time to be a hero." Kara said, hoping that this time while she'd still have to send Leslie to prison, this time maybe she could reform her before she died this time.

"So, how do I get out of here besides the elevator?" Kara asked.

"Like this." Ray said as he pushed another button on the computers, revealing another elevator.

"That goes up to my office, but I had modified so that way you could just fly up the shaft and out of the building." Ray said and Kara nodded as she did just that, eager to be Supergirl once again.

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