Chapter 10

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Okay, before the chapter, I just want to say something. Crisis conclusion, totally worth the wait! Yeah it sucks that Oliver's dead, but both parts were still awesome last night and I'm especially glad that now all of the shows will exist on the same earth. It will make crossovers so much easier, plus it means that I've been on the right track with every arrowverse reboot series I've ever written. And now on with the chapter.

"Hey you okay. I was getting concerned when you didn't answer your comms. Did you get Leslie?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, that was a piece of cake, though I'm suspecting that I'll be cleaning out my desk at Catco since I haven't answered any of Cat's calls." Kara said.

"Kara, Cat can't fire you for that." Ray said.

"You do not know Cat Grant like I do. She's ruthless and expects everyone who she does not deem her equal, which is pretty much everyone who's below her tax bracket, to follow her every order without hesitation." Kara said, since that seemed to be a principle that extended over multiverses.

"Kara, you love working at Catco." Ray said.

"I started working at Catco because I wanted to be a reporter and starting out as Cat's assistant seemed like a good way to start. It's been two years and I'm honestly done being her assistant. I'm thinking maybe it's time to try something new not only as Supergirl, but as Kara. I should have enough money saved up to cover my bills until I find a new job." Kara said as Ray walked up to her and placed his hands on her arms.

"Okay one, you don't know you're fired yet and two, if you are, one of the perks of having a rich boyfriend is that I can cover your bills until you find a new job. Hell, I'd offer you one at Palmer tech, but we don't have a news division and without any science degrees, I think you'd be delegated to an assistant." Ray said.

"Probably, but Ray, I don't want to be the kind of girlfriend who relies on you to pay my bills. I'll be fine." Kara said.

"Kara, I want to do this for you and you can't stop me from doing it. But please, let me." Ray said and Kara sighed.

"Okay, but only until I find a new source of income." Kara said and Ray nodded.

"So anyways, where were you?" Ray now asked, getting back to the original topic.

"Turns out Alex is not just a scientist, she works for a clandestine government organization called the DEO which is designed to protect Earth against alien threats. They brought me in to assess whether or not I was one. Don't worry, Alex had nothing to do with it, but she was there, I'm guessing to act as a mediator, considering she's second in command." Kara said.

"Probably. So, should I be expecting a government invasion?" Ray asked.

"No, but Alex is going to be coming here, which probably would've happened either way." Kara said and Ray nodded.

"Agreed." Ray said.

"Now, I'd better get to Catco to start cleaning out my desk." Kara said and Ray nodded as she flew back out of the base.

I'm rewriting the rest of this chapter, since I was reminded of the true nature of Cat and Kara's relationship and now I'm going to try to better reflect that in this story.

When Kara entered Catco, she was surprised to find that her desk had not been packed up, but she was not surprised to find waiting for her.

"Kiera, my office now." Cat snapped and Kara quickly nodded as she followed Cat into her office.

"Where were you today?" Cat asked.

"I was on a date with my boyfriend. We had to turn our phones off for the movie." Kara said.

"So, you're still dating Ray Palmer?" Cat asked.

"Yes, but I'm guessing that the reason you called me here was not to comment on my love life." Kara said.

"No. Did you hear about the attack?" Cat asked.

"I saw it on the news." Kara said.

"Well, I tried to get a hold of you, but you never showed up. I can't allow that to go unpunished." Cat said.

"Then I quit." Kara said.

"Excuse me?" Cat asked.

"I've been your loyal assistant for the past two years and now, just because I messed up once, you're going to fire me?" Kara asked.

"I made my expectations clear when I hired you." Cat said.

"I know, but honestly, I feel like I've outgrown Catco. I'm tired of being an assistant, so I quit. I need to make my own mark on the world, just like you did. I'm not saying that I'll be the new Queen of all Media, but it's time I started to focus on my own dream and that is to be a reporter. Not your assistant." Kara said.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to find a new assistant." Cat said.

"I guess so." Kara agreed as she moved to clear out her desk.

"Kiera." Cat said, causing Kara to turn back to her.

"Yes Ms. Grant?" Kara asked.

"I know I'm not the easiest person to work with. Before you came along, I went through assistants pretty every week. But for two years, you have flawlessly done everything I have asked of you, without receiving any form of gratitude. You possess the kind of will that it takes to put up with me and that is going to make you a great reporter, which means I did my job." Cat said with a rare smile.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"A real reporter has to be able to follow their story, no matter how long it takes or frustrated they get. Something I'd you've mastered after working for me. And honestly, while I will deny I have ever said this, you remind of a geekier, less fashionable version of version. I guess the reason why I kept you close was because I wanted to pass onto you everything you'd need to succeed in this world and I can tell I succeeded." Cat said.

"Did you just compliment me?" Kara asked, shocked.

"Don't get used to it." Cat said.

"I wouldn't dare." Kara assured her and Cat smiled again.

"While there can only be one Cat Grant for the sake of the world, I think that you will make your own legacy, but know that if whatever your next step is fails, you'll always have a reporter job waiting for you here at Catco. Not that I think you'll need it." Cat said.

"Thank you Ms. Grant. I just hope I can live up to the faith you've placed in me." Kara said.

"Now, I've already informed HR to find me a new assistant, so please, pack your stuff and get out." Cat said, going back to her old self and Kara rolled her eyes.

"Yes Ms. Grant. But as for the assistant, could I give you some insight?" Kara asked.

"Of course, a recommendation?" Cat asked.

"More like a warning on who you should not hire. Eve Tesmacher. I ran into her a few times while I was in school and I didn't get a good vibe from her." Kara said, since she was trying to avoid bringing Eve in under any circumstances.

"I will take that under advisement." Cat nodded as Kara returned to packing up her things before heading out of Catco.

Okay, I hope you guys like this interaction between Kara and Cat better.

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