Chapter 4

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After a wonderful date, Ray took Kara back to her apartment.

"I had a really nice time tonight." Kara said with a smile and Ray smiled to.

"So did I. Does this mean that there will be a second date?" Ray asked.

"Yes. But next time, let's go someplace less expensive. Like the movies. You don't need to flash your wealth to impress me." Kara said and Ray smiled.

"I know, I just wanted to make a big splash for our first date." Ray said and Kara smiled.

"Trust me, that's unnecessary. Not that I mind it though, but don't waste all your money on me. I'm not that kind of girl." Kara said.

"No, you're not. You're one of a kind. Literally." Ray said and Kara smiled.

"What exactly is it you're hoping to accomplish with this round of flattery?" Kara asked him.

"Maybe a good night kiss?" Ray asked and Kara just smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"How was that?" Kara asked when she pulled away.

"Super." Ray said with a childish grin, causing Kara to smack him.

"Not funny Ray. Now, I'd better get inside before my sister opens the door and pulls me in." Kara said, knowing that even though Alex had promised to wait until tomorrow, Kara really knew that she wouldn't keep that promise and that Alex was likely waiting on the other end of that door, expecting details.

"You have a sister?" Ray asked.

"Adoptive sister. And honestly, now that I think about it, you should really be more scared of her than my cousin." Kara said as the door opened and sure enough, Alex was waiting.

"My sister knows me so well." Alex said.

"Hi, I'm Ray Palmer." Ray said, holding out his hand to Alex, who hesitantly shook it.

"Okay Ray, maybe you should go before Alex scares you away." Kara said, shooting her sister a look that read, shut up before I toss you into space.

"Okay, but we will have another date right?" Ray asked and Kara smiled.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Kara promised.

"I look forward to it." Ray said as he walked away.

"Alex, I swear to Rao that if you scared him, well, let's just say we'll find out how long you can last as my punching dummy." Kara said.

"Oh please, I didn't say anything to him." Alex said.

"Whatever. Just promise me that when you meet him properly, you won't scare him off." Kara said.

"Don't worry. He's my ticket to getting out of mom scolding me for you not dating enough. I'm not about to throw him away." Alex said.

"So, any ways, before we get into details about my date, there's something else we need to talk about first." Kara said.

"Okay, and that is?" Alex asked.

"I'm putting the S on." Kara said.

"Kara no, we've talked about this." Alex said, only to have Kara interrupt her.

"No, you've talked, Eliza has talked, Jeremiah has talked and all I've done is listen. Now it's time for me to talk and for you to listen." Kara said, taking Alex aback.

"Kara." Alex said, but this time, Kara wasn't backing down like she had all the other times they'd had this conversation.

"Alex, I am tired of hiding who I am. You think that I'm happy with my life, I'm not. I did not travel lightyears just to bring people coffee or even to become a reporter. The world may have Superman, but who says he needs to be the only hero in the world. He may be powerful Alex, but he can't do everything himself. The world needs more than one hero." Kara said.

"Kara, you could get hurt." Alex said.

"I'm indestructible on this planet. You know what Alex. I'm starting to think that maybe you like the fact that I'm not using my powers anymore. It made you feel superior over me." Kara said.

"Kara, that is not true." Alex said.

"No, it is true Alex. You loved the feeling you get from knowing that I wasn't using my powers. Well I'm done hiding who I am. My powers are a part of me and I'm tired of denying them. It's my time to be a hero and if you can't accept that, then you can't accept me." Kara said.

"Kara, please, listen to me." Alex said.

"No Alex, I'm done having the same conversation with you that always the same way. And I'm starting to think that the reason why is because you don't have faith in me. You don't think I can a hero like he can." Kara said.

"No, Kara, that's not it." Alex said.

"Then what is it?" Kara asked

"Kara, I know that you'd be an even better hero than he is, but I couldn't stand the idea of losing you because I let you put on a cape." Alex said.

"Look Alex, I get that, but in the end, it's my choice, not yours. My mother used to tell me that I have the heart of a hero. And I'm tired of going against it. I can't keep denying who I am anymore." Kara said as they sat down on the couch.

"I know. And it was unfair of us to ask you to do that in the first place. You are a grown woman and you're capable of making your own decisions. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into." Alex said.

"I am and I do. I know the risks and I'm willing to take them. I can't keep denying who I am. I have to be true to myself." Kara said.

"Kara, if you want to do this, I'll support you. I always will." Alex said and Kara smiled as they hugged.

"So, about Ray, I'm going to be the maid of honor right?" Alex asked with a smile, causing Kara to laugh as she smacked her sister's arm.

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