Chapter 9

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Kara groaned as she came to and saw that she was once again in the National City DEO Headquarters.

"I am so telling Superman about this." Kara said as she tried to get up, find herself restrained.

"I warned my boss as much when he restrained you." Alex said as she walked up to Kara and released her.

"Alex. Where am I and what are you wearing?" Kara asked, even though she already knew the answer to both of those questions.

"It's complicated." Alex said as another person joined them.

"I didn't tell you to release her." Hank Henshaw said.

"I'm sorry but my sister comes before my job." Alex said and Hank nodded, immediately tipping Kara off that this was J'onn she was dealing with.

"Where am I what is this place?" Kara asked again.

"Welcome to the DEO Ms. Danvers." J'onn said.

"The what?" Kara asked.

"Department of Extranormal Operations. This organization exists for one reason." J'onn said.

"To hunt aliens." Kara guessed and J'onn nodded.

"Come with me." J'onn said as he led Kara and Alex out of the room and into the DEO base.

"You've been working for an organization that hunts aliens and you didn't tell me? I'll try not to take it personally." Kara said to Alex.

"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. The DEO doesn't technically exist, plus, I was afraid of how you'd react." Alex explained.

"Still, I can't believe you shot me out of the sky." Kara said, annoyed.

"I just want to be clear, I had nothing to do with that. I tried to convince Hank to simply go and talk to you in your apartment, but he was insistent on keeping his secrets." Alex said.

"So can I heat vision him then?" Kara asked.

"Please don't. Hank saved me when I was in a really dark place and time of my life. He's the reason I'm not the same party girl I used to be." Alex begged her.

"Fine, but I'm still punching him." Kara said and Alex rolled her eyes as they followed Hank out into the base.

"The DEO is an organization that exists to monitors and protects earth from extraterrestrial presence and invasions." J'onn said.

"And according to Superman, you also see if any of the aliens you capture have powers that be weaponized and transferred to humans like lab rats." Kara said, making it clear that she was aware of the DEO.

"He told you that?" Alex asked.

"He was one of the first people I told and he warned me about government organizations like this one, though he never mentioned it by name." Kara said and J'onn nodded.

"I'm not even that surprised considering how poor of a relationship we have with Superman." J'onn said, right as Kara noticed something.

"Hey, that's mine." Kara said as she walked over to her pod.

"We keep it here as a reminder of the day you crashed on Earth. You're the reason for all of this." J'onn said.

"Me? But My But my cousin was here two dozen years before me." Kara countered, already knowing how this conversation was going to go.

"And it was his arrival that triggered the need for this organization. We realized we weren't alone in the universe and we might soon be getting more immigrants. Sure enough, you came along. And with you, Fort Rozz." J'onn said.

"Fort Rozz?" Kara asked.

"Krypton's maximum security prison." J'onn said.

"I know what it is, my mother sent at least half of the criminals there." Kara said and J'onn nodded.

"Banished to the Phantom Zone, same place your ship got stuck. But just like yours, it didn't stay there. We're not sure how your pod got loose. What we do know is this. You pulled Fort Rozz with you. When it crashed, the alien convicts, the worst criminals in the galaxy, they all escaped. And you brought them here." J'onn said.

"Wait, are you blaming me. Director?" Kara asked, her eyes glowing dangerously.

"Of course not. Hank isn't dumb enough to say something that could destroy the possibility of having a kryptonian hero who is willing to work with us." Alex said, giving Hank a look that he clearly read as a back off, which he could see even without reading Alex's mind.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you, but you need to know the full scale of what you're dealing with." J'onn said, quickly realizing that he'd overstepped.

"I can handle them." Kara said.

"Can you. I mean, you said it yourself, your mother is the one who sent these criminals to Fort Rozz. If they find out who you are, they'll come for you." Alex said.

"I'm well aware of that." Kara said.

"Are you?" J'onn asked.

"Yes I am. And if you'll excuse me, I need to get to Catco, since I'm fairly certain that my job there is over, since I wasn't able to run damage control." Kara said.

"Sorry about that." Alex said.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't really getting any real satisfaction from my job at Catco anyways." Kara said.

"You're not leaving yet." J'onn said.

"I'm not one of your agents and I never will be. I will work with this organization, but I cannot be a part of it. However, while I am okay with you using kryptonite, I do have one request." Kara said.

"Really, what?" J'onn asked.

"Restrict those who have access to it and let me vet everyone who does to make sure that there aren't any double agents in this base." Kara said.

"That sounds more than reasonable to me." Alex said.

"I can agree to that, but I'd like to see your base of operations in exchange." J'onn said.

"I'll let Alex see it, since no offense, but I trust her, not you." Kara said, which was technically true, since she didn't fully trust this version of J'onn yet, since he wasn't the same J'onn she'd known. At least not yet.

"Deal." J'onn said, since that was probably the best he could hope for right now.

"Speaking of, I need to get back to my base." Kara said and before anyone else could stop her, she flew out of the base.

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