Chapter 13

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I know this is a little out of order, but hopefully you'll understand why after reading this chapter. Also, to answer the question I have been getting a lot since I posted the last chapter, in my version of the arrowverse before crisis, J'onn was not a paragon, just like how Oliver is one.

"What do you mean you don't want to restore Ray's memories?" Alex asked.

"What if there was someone else that he was in love with before the multiverse collapsed? I could lose him." Kara said.

"Look Kara, I get it, I really do. But think about what keeping secrets as big as this one did to your friendship with Lena? Don't you think that you should let Ray be able to choose for himself?" Alex asked and Kara sighed.

"I know you're right, but that doesn't change the fact that if I let J'onn restore his memories, I could risk losing him. And I can't go through that again." Kara said.

"Kara, even if Ray was dating someone else before, I think that pales in comparison to dating an alien. Especially a superhero. Besides, how's he supposed to become a hero if he doesn't even know how to build his suit." Alex asked and Kara sighed.

"Okay, we can restore his memories, but I swear, if it doesn't go well, I'm going to use both of you for target practice." Kara said.

"Kara, you have to have faith that what you and Ray have is strong enough to survive the memory restore." Alex said.

"I hope so." Kara said.

"Why don't you take us to your base of operations so I can restore Ray's memories." J'onn said.

"Okay, but honestly, that base is really only temporary." Kara said.

"Still, I believe you promised me a visit to it anyways." Alex said.

"Fine, let's go. I'll call Ray, tell him to meet us there." Kara said and J'onn and Alex both nodded.

"What about Astra?" Alex asked.

"For the time being she'll be held in a containment cell. When we get back, I will begin trying to negotiate a plea bargain for her." J'onn said.

"I'm surprised you haven't resigned yet." Alex said.

"Not yet. Once we're done with the memory restoration process, I plan on speaking with the president and hopefully get a pardon." J'onn said.

"Not without me you're not. I think the president would be more willing to listen if Clark and I vouch for you." Kara said and J'onn nodded.

"Thank you Kara. But once that is done, I will resign and name Alex the head of the DEO." J'onn said.

"And then what?" Alex asked.

"First I'm going to Mars to save my father and restore his memories of Malefic. Then I am going to use the Phantom Zone projector in the fortress of solitude to bring Mal to Earth and make peace with him." J'onn said and Kara smiled.

"Let me know if you need any help with that. But anyways, come with me." Kara said as they left both the room and the building.

Ray was surprised when he entered the base to find not only Kara, but her sister and a complete stranger inside it.

"Alex, I didn't know your visit was today. And who is this?" Ray asked.

"You'll know in a moment." J'onn said as he walked up to him.

"What are you doing?" Ray asked.

"Ray, just trust me and let him do what he needs to do." Kara said and Ray nodded.

"Okay." Ray said, a bit confused, but he let J'onn place his hand on his temple and when he saw J'onn's eyes glow, suddenly, Ray remembered everything.

"Whoa, there was a multiverse. It all got destroyed. There's an evil Batman, and there's a me that's a super me?" Ray asked as he tried to adjust.

"Yeah, it's a lot, I know." Kara said.

"Alex, J'onn." Ray said.

"So, now you remember who we are." Alex said.

"Yes, I do." Ray said.

"Can you guys please, give us a minute." Kara asked and J'onn and Alex both nodded as they walked out of the room.

"So, this is a lot to process." Ray said as he sat down at the computers and Kara sat down next to him.

"Yeah, tell me about it. That's I how I felt when I first arrived here." Kara said.

"This is a lot to process." Ray said.

"You know I almost didn't want J'onn to restore your memories." Kara said.

"Why?" Ray asked.

"I didn't want to risk losing you to some love you had in the old universe. But I realize now how selfish that was. You deserve to make that choice for yourself." Kara said.

"There was someone on my old earth. Nora." Ray said and Kara sighed, bracing herself for the breakup.

"But she's not you. For one thing, she'd be like 10 at the current time period. For another, she wasn't an alien, which is incredibly cool." Ray said.

"Really?" Kara asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I mean Kara, I get why you'd be concerned, but my heart is yours now. I want us to work. But only if you do." Ray said.

"The whole reason I didn't want to restore your memories is because I was afraid I would lose you. Of course I want us to work. Ray I am happier with you than I have been in a very long time." Kara said with a smile as they kissed.

"So, what happens now?" Ray asked.

"Now, we wake up our friends. Barry, Oliver, Sara and Kate, they already remember." Kara said as J'onn and Alex re entered the room.

"So, are you two good?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, we're good." Kara said.

"Great, because I'd have to kick Ray's ass otherwise." Alex said.

"Well, sorry but there's no reason for you to do that." Ray said.

"Yet." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes.

"I think that Ray is the only person who's memories we can restore right now. We'll restore the rest of the Superfriends' memories as they come along." Kara said and J'onn nodded his agreement.

"Actually, we can restore Kelly's memories, since I've found her and now that I remember how I feel about her." Alex said and Kara smiled.

"We'll restore her memories, but I think that first, we should restore the memories of the other heroes." Kara said.

"I'm planning on heading to Central City next. Hopefully Cisco can find a way replicate my powers to effect a kryptonian so that we can restore Superman's memories as well." J'onn said.

"I'll go with you. I've already posted my blog with an exclusive from Supergirl, might as well get one with the Flash next." Kara said and Alex rolled her eyes at her sister.

"It probably would be good for them to see a familiar face." J'onn agreed.

"Okay, let's go." Kara said.

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