I don't know

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((( Grace's POV )))

" Is Grace up yet" i heard mamrie say to chester as she walked through the door of our conjoining rooms which looking at now maybe wasn't the best idea but chester and i still havent told anyone we are together so we're making it seem as if i'm sharing with hannah and mames. " Shhh mames, she might still be sleeping" i heard Hannah say to her in a hushed tone. " Well it's five o clock somewhere and i need a drink before playlist starts tomorow" Mamrie remarked. I so don't feel up to that right now, i've been feeling sick and constantly tired heaps lately and this morning is know different, side effects,  maybe if i just pretend to be sleeping. "GET UP SMELLS, TIME TO GET OUR  PARTY ON" Mamrie screamed into my ear, jumping around me on the bed. "Mamrie she is sleeping, she's been really tired lately,just let her sleep for a bit longer at least" Chester said his tone slightly more serious than usual.His complete and utter adorableness made me smile, blowing my cover. "Get up, i know your'e awake now Helbig" Mamrie said directly into my ear. Slowly i opened one eye and she was hovering over my body. Chester strolled over and placed a soft kiss on my lips and whispered into my ear "morning beautiful". Mamrie immediantly jumped back grossed out and chester slid back into bed beside me. Hannah walked back into the room with cups of coffee in hand. The strong smell hit my nostrils immediantly and i felt dizzy, the smell of the coffee was making me feel sick.suddenly i could feel a chunk of vomit in my throat and i bolted to the bathroom just in time.

((( Chester's POV )))

Sipping on my morning coffee, grace in bed beside and hannah and mamrie sitting across the room on the couch as i edited my latest music video. All of a sudden Grace shot out of bed and into the bathroom throwing up into the toilet. I ran in behind her and sat down rubbing  slow circles on her back. "are you okay Gracie" i asked . " I don't know" she replied before throwing up again. she has been really tired and sick lately and it's becoming more and more obvious but whenever i try to talk to her about it she shuts me down. I feel like she is hiding something from me.My thoughts were interuted by Hannah slowly walking into the bathroom " are you ok Grace, are you gonna be ok for playlist, do you need anything" asked Hannah. "No, no i am fine, thankyou" replied Grace before getting up  and walking out of the bathroom, then out of the hotel room. "Grace where are you going" i said questioning her abrupt  movement. As i went to follow her out Hannah stopped me. " just leave her " she said " she obviously needs a moment, just let her have one ". Great so now Hannah knows something and i don't ?

((( Hannah's POV )))

 Normally i'm the most unobservant person but i'm pretty sure i know exactly whats going on and honestly i'm quite surprised Chester hasn't noticed yet. " just leave her " i said " she obviously needs a moment, just let her have one ".  Chester sighed and walked back over to their bed. I walked outside to go and find Grace. As i walked down the hall,i thought back on the last few weeks - the time that i had spent with grace. I found her sat on a bench staring at the carpet. " You have to tell him Grace, he'll find out" i said to her "i'm just scared Han " she replied tears streaming down her face.

((( Grace's POV )))

  " i don't know how he will react" i said to Hannah inbetween sobs. "Grace he loves you, he will support you know matter what, you and i both know that" Hannah said "Now we are gonna walk back into there i'm going to take mamrie for a drink and you're going to talk to chester" she continued grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door to our room. " I'll just be at the bar downstairs if you need me" Whispered Hannah. Hannah swung open the door and grabbed Mamrie dragging her out of the room, literally. "What the fuck hannah, where are we going" she said as the door slammed shut. "Gracie, whats going on?" chester asked. "You've been acting weird lately and i just want to know that we are okay". " Chester, i'm... i'm pregnant"


hey guys!

still just starting to get into the story, hope you like it Xx

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