Final day of playlist

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((( Tanya's POV )))

Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is great but every, single morning without fail for  the past few weeks i've thrown up. Before people knew about the baby it was easy to hide and not make a big deal out of but now everyone knows and i can show it, even just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom to puke is a struggle. I'll be really glad when this stage is over and i can just get away with eating junk and have a cute baby bump.This mornings been know different to usual - wake up, feel vomit rising in my throat, go release vomit, jim come help me clean up and constantly ask if im ok. Jim's  gets really protective over, particularly while we've been at playlist and cause all the viewers know as of last night as we posted a quick update video he can be protective in public - he's adorable, he'll make such a cute dad.

((( Louise's POV )))

I honestly don't remember morning sickness and just carrying a child in general being this draining with Darcy, i guess being a first time mum i was willing to take whatever pregnancy threw at me but oh my god i'm tired this time around. Matt is being super supportive though which i'm glad about, with Darcy he was a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. Zoe and Alfie have been so good aswell they came round this morning at 5:30am and picked up Darcy from our room and took her to get something to eat and play because she 'was not tired' and 'couldn't possibly sleep'. I can't wait for a zalfie baby - i'm the biggest zalfie shipper, well i think everyone knows that. But i get a janya baby at the same time as our baby and they can be best friends forever. hahah that would be freaking adorable. My train of thoughts were interupted by my phone dinging and my lock screen illuminating with a message from ZOECHUMMY it was an adorable picture of Darcy looking at baby clothes. She's adorable, she'll make such a cute big sister.

((( Grace's POV )))

" Morning Gracie, morning peanut" Chester whispered rolling over putting his hand on my tiny bump and leaning in to place a kiss on my lips. As he was about to place his lips on mine i ran into the bathroom and practically leaped to the toilet bowl throwing up everywhere. Chester was right behind me rubbing circles on my back with one hand and holding my hair back with the other. As i leaned forward to throw up again my computer started ringing - someone trying to call me on skype. " Do you want me to see who it is ?" Chester asked "Mmm yea" i replied before feeling yet another wave of vomit beginning to rise in my stomach soon to be released. " It's your mom, do you want me to answer?" he asked "why not" i reply softly using all my energy to allow those words to leave my mouth. " HELLLLOOO, GRACE YOU THERE?" i heard my mother practically scream through the computer screen. "Oh hi Chester, how are you sweetheart" she said realizing i wasn't there "i'm good thanks Theresa, how are you?" he asked making politely " I'm good, busy recently. i'm going to go grocery shopping today and to my friends house to see her GRANDBABIES" she said emphasising the part about kids, she has all ways wanted more grandkids from either me or Tim but she isn't holding her breath, little does she know. "Where is my Gracie" she asked Chester. Right on queue the vomit that had been rising decided to leave my body in a rather loud fashion. "OH MY GOODNESS, GRACIE ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU HAVE A BIG NIGHT? DO YOU HAVE A STOMACH BUG" my mom literally screeched through the screen. I got myself off the bathroom floor and walked towards Chester and the laptop where my moms face illuminated the screen. "No, none of the above mom" i said and she gave me a confused look. "You're dreams are coming true Theresa" Chester said. Her face brightened immediantly, the biggest smile i think i've ever seen adorned her face. " You're not, are you Grace"she questioned me. I nodded slightly. "We're having a baby" Chester said unable to keep the smile off his face as he spoke. "AHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed, literally screamed in excitement. She's adorable, she'll make such a cute Grandma.

((( Hannah's POV )))

i awoke to the sound of a scream coming from Grace and Chesters next door. I freaked slightly thinking something had happened and rushed in only to find it was theresa on skype freaking out, about the baby i pressume. " Han, whats up " Grace asked smiling towards me. " I heard screaming, i just wanted to make sure everything was okay" i said with a chuckle. I could hear Grace's mom laughing through the scream " Hannah, while you're here. i just wanna make sure that you and chester and mamrie are all looking after gracie and the baby. " Of course we are" i replied smiling before walking back into our room to get ready for the last day.

After we had gotten ready we headed down stairs and met up with a whole bunch of other youtubers to head out for our last day.

It was crazy - meeting people, interviews and a panel alongside Grace and Mames. I'm glad to go home and relax now but Playlist and Vidcon, Youtube conventions in general are truly once in a lifetime oppurtunitites and they're were the best memories are made.


hey y'all

this was gonna be my final chapter but i've decided i'm gonna do an epilogue ( i think thats what its called) so i'm gonna do a couple extra parts and each part is gonna be about a different couple or friend group etc... and about what happens in their relationships and with all the pregnancys and things

stay tuned for more Xx

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