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About one month after 'playlist 2015'

this fanfic is about grester - it will make a whole lot more sense to read this after reading all the rest of the parts if you haven't already

enjoy xx

((( Grace's POV )))

I layed in bed with my eyes shut just thinking.Today is my 12 week scan. It's my first scan, the first time i get to see our human. Part of me is really, really excited but another part of me is so, so scared and nervous. What if Chester see's the baby and freaks and leaves ? What if i'm a bad mom ? What if Chester stays for the pregnancy but leaves me when the baby is born? Why am i even thinking about this, he has been so excited for the past few days, he can't wait. He'll be such a great dad. My thoughts were interupted by chester placing his hand on my slowly forming bump. I'm pretty sure he thought i was still asleep as he began to whisper " Good morning peanut, mommy and i get to see what you look like today. You're just a blob at the moment, well thats what all the websites say. I love you peanut. i kinda want you to be a girl cause then you'll be beautiful like your mom but it's cool if you're a boy too. That'd be cool. I don't really care i'm just excited. I think you're mommys a little scared but that's ok, i know she loves you. Maybe you know that too, maybe she has told you before but if she hasn't she loves you a lot. I love you, i tell you that all the time peanut but i love you so much, i love mommy to a lot. I have to wake her up now bubba, we've gotta get ready to see you" he placed his lips softly on my bump. As he brought his head up i whispered to him " I love our peanut too".

((( Chester's POV )))

" So you're awake then Miss Helbig " i spoke softly. She smiled slightly keeping her eyes shut " You're cute " she whispered before rolling out of bed and into the bathroom. I picked up my phone to see a text from my mom and sister wishing us luck at the scan today, i replied to them and then checked my twitter, tumblr. instagram and snapchat. I took a quick video to add to my snapchat story saying that i was doing something really exciting today.Vague, i know it's because we aren't going to tell our viewers until further into the pregnancy but i was to excited to keep this to myself plus i love messing with my viewers.

It's been about an hour now and i was dressed and ready to go but Grace was still in the bathroom." Gracie, we have to go " i called out. she didn't reply so i walked into the bathroom to find her fully dressed and ready just sitting on the floor touchng her little bump and whispering to it so quietly i couldn't hear what she was saying. I guess i'm not the only one though. " We have to go " i said with a little laugh. She held her arms out to me and i pulled her up, pulling her into a hug. I grabbed her hand guiding her to the front door, she picked her bag up on the way out of the door and we were off the the hospital.

((( Grace's POV )))

We were sitting in the waiting room, all the chairs were occupied by women with huge baby bumps and their partners as well as a few people with little babies. "Ms Helbig" an older woman called out. We got up and followed her into the room Chester gave my hand a quick, reassuring squeeze as we sat down. " Hi, i'm Dr Harvey. I will be the main person looking after you through out your pregnancy" spoke the older woman . she spoke for a little more but i didn't really pay much attention untill she asked me to lay down so we could take a look at the baby. She squeezed a cool gel across my stomach. Chester couldn't stop smiling as she moved her little baby searching camera type thing around my belly. i dont know what its called.He was filming the appointment for our parents and just to look back on in the future. A thudding noise filled the air. " That's your babys heart beat" Dr Harvey said. A happy tear slid down my cheek. He was trying to hide it but i could see a couple falling out of Chesters eyes too. He leaned down and kissed me " Thats our baby " he whispered into my ear. she moved it around a little to get a better picture of the rest of the body. The little thud filled the room once again. " Hey theres the heart beat again" Chester said excitedly. The expression on Doctor Harvey's face changed " That's not the same heart beat, Ms Helbig, Mr see you're having twins" she said. Chester and i just stared at each other for a few seconds. " Are you sure . . . ? " i asked. " yeah, there is twin A and there is twin B. They're both in different sacks which means that they aren't identical" Said Dr Harvey pointing to each twin.

* later that night *

We were still both a little surprised and nervous about the fact that it wasn't just one baby but two. Chester had filmed the entire thing and our reaction to finding out it was twins was priceless. Our family and friends were texting to ask how the scan went. We decided to just email both our parents, siblings and Mamrie, Hannah and Sarah the video of the scan. We clicked send on the group email before sending out a text to everyone telling the to check their emails and sat back waiting for replies.


hey guys !

sorry i haven't updated in ages

i've decided to make this little grester bit into two parts so hopefully the next part will be up tomorow ( if you're very lucky ) or in a week and a half when i get home from a internetless family vaction

hope you enjoyed reading Xx


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