Oh My

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((( Grace's POV )))

I leaped ( literally ) out of my seat into the bathroom. I didn't have to turn around to realize that everyone was staring , wondering what the hell was going on right now. " oh my lord " those three little words escaped my mouth when I saw Tyler standing in the bathroom holding a pregnancy test. Well not just a pregnancy test, my pregnancy test, the one that is adorned with the tiny pink plus sign. "Grace I was just getting a hand towel and it fell out and like ohmygawd I'm excited but clearly you aren't ready for people to know I'm really sorry grace. I wasn't snooping or anything. it just fell out" Tyler said a sense of urgency as well as a sliver of fear visible in his voice. By this stage Chester had walked into the bathroom and was standing behind my, his hands placed on my hips rubbing slow circles into my back. I have no idea how to react, I'm not mad or anything just with other people knowing it makes it more real and I'm not ready for that yet. Tyler apologized again and again with Chester telling him over and over that it wasn't his fault, it wasn't not in the slightest, how could've he known what we were storing alongside our hand towels. We just sat on the side of the tub Chester and Tyler were both staring at my stomach leaving the rest of our guests to sit awkwardly. " its not a big deal that you know Tyler, its cool with me just don't tell anyone yet, okay? " I finally said breaking the silence .

((( Zoe's POV )))

By the time they came out of the bathroom we had to go. They were in there for a while talking and when they came out they pretended like nothing ever happened. weird.
We walked into the convention centre with body guards by our sides so we could get through the swarms of viewers. Today we were performing on the main stage but they switched it up a bit this year so the 'women of youtube ' were going on stage together.
We did all different kinds of things on stage from comedy to singing to giving serious life advice , it was really a fabulous experience being on stage with so many cool people.
After we performed on the main stage we met up with the guys to get something for dinner. Alfie was filling me in on his day as we walked hand in hand towards the back of the group with only grace and Chester behind us. Alfie finished talking and we walked in silence, not the awkward kind, the nice peaceful kind. We went eaves dropping at all we just happened to hear grace and Chester's conversation " how was today for you both" Chester asked " meh 'twas okay, I just feel so much more tired than usual" grace replied " well I looked it up and that's completely normal so is not wanting to eat because your stomach gets squished up particularly in the third trimester" Chester went and grace just laughed and called him a nerd. "well I guess we know what happened this morning then " alfie said softly.

Hey y'all
This chapter is really really short sorry but Tomorow or Mondays is gonna be really long and have a bunch of different people's povs and stuff so stay tuned xxx

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