meeting our humans

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So this is the final chapter of this fanfic

it will probably make more sense if you have read the rest but i don't know


this is set around seven-ish months after 'playlist 2015'

((( Grace's POV )))

36 weeks pregnant. shit. We're gonna have two real life human beings soon,we have to keep them alive and fed and cleaned and happy and educated - thats some scary, very responsible stuff. Chester is in NY for two days for a couple of meetings and as cheesy as it is i feel really weird with him not here. Kind of anxious and lonely but one day down already so just one more to go and Mamrie and Hannah and potentially Sarah  are coming over today to hang out and maybe stock up on videos, maybe do some baby shopping. I should probably shower or at least change out of the sweat pants i slept in last night and deodorant might be useful too.

" Grace where are you?" i heard Mames shout from the front door. " i'm in the bedroom" i called back " Don't laugh but i need your help getting my pants on" I called out to her again. I heard a short laugh and then footsteps coming towards my room. Mamrie entered the room laughing at me. "Don't laugh at me, i can't reach that far down" she smiled sympathetically and walked over " Lie down " she commanded. " That escalated quickly " i shot back, laughing at my own joke, the laugh shoke my baby bump. " You're huge Helbig " i heard Hannah say from my bedroom door as Mamrie pulled my pants up for me, clearly she decided to let herself in. " pretty sure you're not supposed to say that to a pregnant woman Han" Sarah sighed jokingly. " Trust me , i know i'm the size of a whale" I stated matter of factly. " Well you look gorgeous smells but these sweats aint gonna fit over dat ass" Mamrie said. I pulled myself up off the bed, pretend ignoring them, walking over to my closet and grabbing a stripy shirt and leggings both of which i purchased from the maternity section of target, turns out you can't really just wing it with pregnancy when it comes to clothing especially with twins.

" So you've bought all the major stuff " Hannah asked as we walked through the largest baby store i've ever seen. " Yeah we just need basics like diapers and wipes, maybe a couple paci's and clothes everything else we've bought or has been given to us" i responded, i was tired and wanted to sit for a minute so i let the three girls run wild finding stuff. i found a seat on the bottom level of the store and sat down, a sharp pain filled my lower abdomen, it was intense and i don't know how to describe it but it went away after a little so i ignored it.A few minutes later the girls returned with a cart full of diapers and wipes along with a few baby butt lotions and things and couple cute pacifiers as they started showing me the onesies they had picked out i felt that weird pain taking over my body again. i curled my back forward slighlty in pain and let out a low groan. Sarah, Han and Mames all immediantly lurched towards me asking me if i was okay and what was happening but i couldn't answer them cause i didn't know. The pain went away "i'm okay, i'm fine" i said to them warily but convincingly. i went to stand up and felt water gush down the side of my leg followed but another burst of pain. " Shit gracie, i think you're in labour " Mamrie practically shouted. " Call Ches, please" the only words i managed to get out as i stumbled along to the car being guided by Mamrie and Sarah. Hannah dialled Chesters number when we reached the car and put it on loud speaker. " Hannah, whats up" Chesters voice filled the car. " Where are you?" Hannah asked seriously " Well, actually i'm at home. i came home from New York early to surprise Grace, I don't want to leave her alone this late in preg...." he was cut of by my groans as the next wave of pain, the next contraction hit me. this time harder than before. " Shit, what was that" Chester questioned nervously. "Grace's waters just broke, we were at the baby store. She in labour. you need to get to the hospital asap, we'll meet you there, we're on our way" Hannah spoke calmly trying not to break the speed limit. " Okay im getting in the car" he spoke quickly we could here him walking around the house picking up his keys and what sounded like the hospital bag he insisted i pack weeks ago and then slamming the front door behind him. " can i talk to Grace please" he asked nervously. " Grace?" hannah asked and i just nodded. she handed me the phone and i listened to his calming voice. " Gracie baby, you'll be alright" "We're gonna get to meet our humans soon" " i love you so much" " it'll all be over soon" "Grace, it'll be worth the pain" he whispered little thing into my ears relaxing my nerves. " I kinda fucking hate you right now" i whispered as i felt another contraction coming on. " Can you sing for me " i asked softly sounding small and vunerable. As he sang the last note of our song, he wrote it for me, its how he asked me out for the first time but he's never posted it online, we reached the hospital entrance and Chester came running towards me.

"One more push and twin A will be out" Dr harvey encouraged me. Mamrie, Hannah and Sarah were all sat in the waiting room calling around family and both our sets of parent were on the first flights they can get because the babies are about a month early our parents were unprepared." You can do it, Come on Gracie" Chester whispered into my ear giving my hand a tight squeeze. Come on i thought to myself. With my next contraction i just pushed and screamed like a fkn mad woman. I could hear my friends laughing outside. With that push our first baby was born. " It's a girl " Dr Harvey said excitedly placing our baby girl on my chest " She is a premmy and we have to get her sibling out so the nurses are just gonna check her out quickly, well done Grace, shes beautiful" Dr harvey continued i saw a little camera flash and felt a few tears fall onto my shoulder from chester who was standing above me staring at his baby girl.They picked her up off of my chest and i felt another contraction coming on and pushed like my life depended on it. This is probably a really great work out sweat is literally dripping off my forehead. " Chester, would you like to see your babies head" Dr Harvey laughed lightly. " one more big push and twin B will be here Grace " she said. Chester sqeueezed my hands, i've never seen him smile so much. "You have two daughters" She said smiling placing both of our Daughters on my chest, our humans, our peanuts. A few photos were taken but we were both wrapped up in our little girls. Tears were running down both our faces, happy tears as Dr Harvey told us that they were both healthy. About an hour maybe more, i'm not quite sure a nurse came in to tell us our family could come in now. All our parents and step parents as well as an assortment of siblings and of course Mamrie, Hannah and Sarah all filled our room. " We would like you all to meet your Grandaughters" Chester said looking at our parents " and your nieces" he said looking at our siblings and friends. " Tilli Alysia and Elise Theresa See " I said proudly unable to keep the smile off of my face. This is not where i pictured myself at the beginning of playlist 2015 . . . 


So this fanfic has come to an end

I hope you enjoyed it

Thankyou so much for reading this little thing i created in my spare time xo

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