so everyone's .......

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((( Hannah's POV )))

Playlist parties are the greatest party but secrets almost always get out. Everyone drinks and is really carefree and two people will be making out in the background of someones vlog or something, that's how troyler got outed, So Sarah and i are being pretty god damn careful. It's so good to catch up with all my friends especially friends that are from overseas who i dont get to see much. We were at dinner before some of us went to one of these parties with an assortment of youtubers like Zoe, Alfie, louise, Jim and Tanya and a few more.iwas once again questioned about the absence of Grace, which got particularly awkward when Mamrie and i both went to answer someone with different responces. At dinner Jim and Tanya told us they all that they had an announcement. I had only really gotten to know them both well last year and earlier this year when i stayed with them and they're the most genuinely lovely people. "so you guys are some of our closest friends so we thought you guys should be the first to know" Tanya spoke in her calm motherly,yet rather hyper voice. " We're having a baby" Jim practically shouted. The congratulations followed and little Darcy got up walking over to Tanya, placing her hand on Tanya's stomach "Auntie Tanya" Darcy , the most adorable little girl spoke " Yes Darcy" Tanya replied. The whole table had eyes on this adorable interaction, Sarah squeezed my hand and let out a little 'naawww' bringing a little smile to my face. "Can i tell you a secret" Darcy said looking her in the eye "Sure darc" Tanya replied "Guess what Auntie Tanya, there is a baby inside my mums tum... " before Darcy could finish what she was saying Louise and Matt both stopped her, clearly not wanting it to get out yet. " Ummm" louise began."We would've liked to tell some people individually because only Zoe knew before a moment ago, but yeah its true we are having another baby" she said. "Zoe" Alfie said "must be our turn next since everyone is having babies" he said laughing. Mamrie, Sarah and i all glanced at each other knowingly - hmmm yes, everyone is having babies.

((( Alfie's POV )))

we were headed out to a party after dinner, minus a couple of people who had headed back to the hotel to get a good night sleep. "Everyones having babies" said Zoe."Hahah, who's gonna be next" sarah said. "Ya know you guys would make real cute babies" Hannah said winking at Zoe and i. "hint, hint" Sarah added and we all had a laugh. At the party there was the coolest installation everyone pulled out there camera to vlog, hahaha youtubers. Later that night when Zoe and i got back to the hotel room i still had to edit and upload a vlog,trying to keep them on UK time. I didn't really pay much attention cause i was so tired and just uploaded it without even watching it back                                     * next morning* i woke up and Zoe was still asleep which was unusual so i decided to read some comments on my vlog "OMG 12:36" "oh my lord hyperventalating, its real" these were the only comments i was really getting so i went back to that part and watched it. S H I T, oh my lord what have i done....


hey guys

this is really short and kinda partly an informative filler i guess - next chapter should hopefully be good and full of drama. heheh

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