Chapter XCVI

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O d e l l
Three months later

"You got everything in here right?" I asked Aaliyah while grabbing the picnic basket out the car

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"You got everything in here right?" I asked Aaliyah while grabbing the picnic basket out the car. 

It was warm as hell outside today and neither of us wanted to stay inside, we didn't wanna go out and spend money either so we planned to drive out to Central Park and have a little picnic. It would be just me, Aaliyah and our lil man with hella sandwiches and snacks.

Speaking of lil man, his birthday is next week and he'll finally be turning one. It feels as if Aaliyah just had him not too long ago, time really does fly. We already got the whole birthday party planned out and even though we got it like that Aaliyah told me not to go overboard like I do with everything else. We'll just have a nice kiddy party in the backyard with bouncy houses and what not, it's not like Aiden will wanna get out there though, I can already tell he's gonna want to stay under his mama.

Now speaking of his mama, I'm so proud of her for actually getting her spot as head chef at sunny's restaurant. She kept her word and gave her that position the day of their meeting. The smile on her face was huge the first day she started, she had her chef uniform on and seem to not wanna take it off when she got home. She love what she doing and that makes me happy. Them checks she be bringing back have gotten bigger too.

"Odell you checked the basket three times before we left, what do you think?" She sassed me and I smacked my lips with a smirk.

We started to walk through the grass and found us a nice spot somewhat close to the lake. We knew better to get that close because Aiden is beginning to be quick on his feet.  I can't count on one hand how many times me and Aaliyah had to chase him down for something.

I pulled out the blanket we bought and laid it down neatly across the grass along with a few of Aiden's toys, he waddled over to them in a hurry and began to chew away.

"Please pass me a sandwich now, I feel like I haven't ate all day" Aaliyah practically begged extending her arm.

"You ain't gotta tell me twice, I was gone do the same" I told her before digging in the bag for our sandwiches we prepared at the house. Leave it to me to add almost everything on my loft of bread, Aaliyah seems to like her sandwiches somewhat plain "You want some chips too?"

She nodded "Yeah the cheetohs!"

I gladly passed her the chips and she popped a squat next to Aiden who was still playing with his toys. I took notice of that promise ring I got her back in January and tried not to smile so hard "I love how you still rocking my promise ring"

She glared at me with a smirk before holding her hand up "Faithfully baby" She cooed and wiggled her fingers making me smile "Deep down inside I know your keeping your promise so I never had the idea of taking it off, your not being sneaky are you?" She glanced at me.

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