Chapter 3 - Friends

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The first day of school had approached.
It was their last year of school. Dev felt much better after the infection. Mainly because Pari never left his side and took good care of him. They were the bestest of friends and would take care of each other during everything.
"Dev! Come we are going to be late!" Pari hissed and dragged him behind her. They luckily made it in time. Pari could not risk making a bad impression on the first day of school. Pari was a good student, though Dev was too, she was the teachers pet.

The day went by slowly and finally the last bell rang. It was time to go home. Dev and Pari would always go to school and go back home together. They were like siamese twins. Inseparable.
"It's going to be a tough year." Dev remarked.
"Definitely." Pari agreed.
"Will I see you later at our spot?"
"7pm sharp!" Pari laughed and hugged him goodbye when reaching her door.
Pari went in and greeted her parents.
She ate something, talked to her parents about her day and went into her room to do her homework.
First day of school and already they were loaded with homework.
After finishing off her homework Pari glanced over to the clock. It was 6.45pm, time to get ready and meet Dev.
She went downstairs and looked for her mother.
"Maa, I'm going to meet Dev if that is alright?" She asked.
"Have you done your homework?"
"Yes I have!" Pari reassured her mother.
"Don't come back too late!"
"I won't, thank you!" Pari smiled and hugged her mother goodbye and left the house.

Pari went to their favourite hanging spot and waited for Dev to come. Not much later Dev joined her at their spot. They just enjoyed each others company and talked about everything possible.
"So do you already know what you're going to do after school?" Dev asked her.
"Not really, I just know that I would like to study abroad, what about you?"
Dev's heart sank a little. Pari wanted to study abroad? Would that mean they would never get to see each other again? And possibly would stop being friends? Dev quickly shook that thought away and replied to her question. "I don't know.."

Some time later both went home.
Dev could not sleep. He was thinking about what Pari had said. Dev would miss her a lot. He always thought they would study together. Dev could not show any kind of negative emotion, he had to support her, because that is what friends are for. Friends.. he wanted to be so much more. But she would always see a friend in him. Dev let out a deep sigh. It was a restless night. But what can you do when the heart decides to go against the mind?

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