Chapter 36 - Trust

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Pari didn't mention her feelings again. She noticed how it had triggered Dev and didn't want to do that again - didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Two weeks later, Pari was given the green light to go home. Dev arrived with his car and carried all of her belongings out. She felt a lot better especially after spending almost everyday of her recovery with Dev. But her doctors had advised that she still had a long way to go and needed taking care of. Dev was quick to take up the job.

"Dev I'm so sorry, this is such an inconvenience for you!" Pari said as they drove to his apartment. He had been the perfect career and she was tired of burdening him.

"Pari please let's not start this again. You know I would happily do anything for..." he stopped mid sentence realising that he was probably over sharing. He would gladly do anything for her but he didn't want to make their relationship awkward. He still wasn't sure he was ready to explore his feelings - it was too complicated. They still had to deal with Kabir who hadn't made an appearance since the day he shot Pari.

"You're a good friend." Pari said trying to ease Dev. She felt the awkwardness creeping up into their conversation. As much as she wanted to declare her feelings to him over and over, she held herself back. He didn't want to hear it - somewhere inside this upset her but she respected his feelings, he wasn't ready.

For the next couple of days Pari rested and with Dev's care, recovered more. She felt like she was ready to go to work. Staying at home all day and night was extremely boring, especially for someone like her who had led a very active work life before. But she was scared of leaving the safety of the apartment. Dev had ensured that the apartment was monitored all hours of the day and he had even hired security to stay guard and look out for Kabir. Perhaps this was excessive but he wasn't going to risk Pari's safety - not when that monster was out there somewhere.

"Dev I need to go to the grocery store." Pari said from the couch. She was watching a movie while Dev worked at his laptop. She had offered to work from home but he had insisted that she rest.

"What do you need, I'll get it for you." He said looking up from the screen. He watched and she fidgeted uncomfortably. God she was so beautiful - more than beautiful. The way she bit her bottom lip every time she was nervous was a huge turn on.

"No it's okay, I'll go. I want to get out anyway." She insisted.

"Pari you're still recovering. Let me take care of you. Tell me what you need."

"No." She said and looked straight ahead at the tv screen, blushing. This abrupt answer surprised him. What was she so hesistant about? He got up and walked to the couch, seating himself next to her.

"Look at me." He said after a moment. He could see that she was feigning concentration at the movie, but her eyes were glazed over. He moved a stay strand of hair away from her face and at his touch she looked. "Now tell me what's wrong." He said gently. She was irresistible, sitting there in a dressing gown with her hair casually tied up - all he wanted to do was put his arms around her and pull her closer. But he resisted.

"It's okay." Pari said looking into his eyes. She couldn't help but smile softly when he frowned. "Okay okay...I just need know women stuff." She said blushing.

It hit him then and he laughed. "Pads? Tampons? What do you need, I'll bring them." He said shaking his head. She nodded shyly. "Pari cmon why are you so shy about this." He asked.

"I don't know, I've never even spoken to Kabir about this stuff." She whispered. He had always demanded she keep that stuff away from him and handle it secretly. So she had grown accustomed to handling it a lone. She assumed all men were like that - maybe it was a disgusting thing to them?

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, just a normal bodily thing. You can be open with me." Dev had never been averse to talking about periods or any other female body related things - as far as he was concerned women didn't have to deal with it all a lone - it wasn't some forbidden Illness that anyone should be ashamed of. Pari was surprised at his attitude but pleasantly impressed.

"Maybe it was just Kabir then." She said softly looking away from Dev. What sort of monster had she married?

"Definitely just him. And now he's not here, so be open about anything - and anyway in case you forgot I've handled your period issues before when we were teenagers."

Pari had not forgotten but it was embarrassing for her - again she had grown accustomed to her a certain way or secretive living.
Dev recalled finding Pari crying behind the toilet blocks at school because she had gotten her first period. "I remember" she said shaking her head. "Let's not being that up"

"Well then you know I'm not stranger to this. In case you forgot it was me who ran to the shop and got you a pad."

"I know I know. So will you bring me some now?" She asked pushing back her embarrassment.

"As my lady commands." He said getting up and bowing. They both broke out into laughter and Pari instinctively grabbed his hand. She looked up at him while gently stroking his hand. "Thank you." She said gently. He couldn't resist her touch. He slid down next to her and stroked her chin. He leaned toward her and gently touched his lips to hers. The soft warmth of her lips almost melted his entire body there and then. She returned the kiss passionately. His hands explored her face and slowly slid down to her neck and shoulders, growing more hungry for her. This time it was her who pulled away, leaving him breathless.

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