Chapter 22 - Feelings

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Pari didn't answer the question about her happiness - she didn't want to lie to Dev outright nor did she want him to find out that her marriage was anything but happy. She dodged the question and they enjoyed their dinner together. Dev however couldn't shrug off the fact that she hadn't answered him properly and really hoped that she was happy with Kabir.

The following days couldn't have been better for Pari. She felt free and completely at peace knowing that Kabir wouldn't be around ready to tear her down at any moment. She and Dev had spent the afternoons together watching movies and chatting away for hours after work without a worry in the world. They had settled into a comfortable friendship again. She felt herself drawing closer and closer to him and somewhere deep down she didn't want to stop herself, even though she knew it would lead to trouble. He had always been the perfect gentlemen to her - ever since they were children. Nothing had changed. He still treated her like she was important and most of all made her feel respected, cherished even.

"What should we watch today?" Dev asked eagerly as they walked to their cars in order to drive to Pari's house. This was the fourth night in a row he had come over to spend time with her.

"What would you like to watch?" Pari couldn't help stealing glances at him. His sweet eyes sparkled as he spoke and his gentle dimples indented deeply when he smiled at her - a genuine, warm smile. She felt the nostalgia hit her hard and wished she could travel back to more carefree times spent with Dev. He had always protected her and cared for her - she had felt safe with him. She felt safe with him now but she feared that Kabir would somehow hurt Dev. She wouldn't be able to handle that. But right now, it was her and her old best friend, enjoying each other's company like old times. She didn't want to ruin it with thoughts about Kabir.

"Hmmm since you let me choose yesterday I'm happy to watch one of your girly movies today." He said flashing a sweet smile at her. She returned it, feeling butterflies in her stomach. What was happening to her?

"Wow thanks" she said pretending to roll her eyes. "They weren't so girly two nights ago when I caught you tearing up during that love scene." She winked and laughed. Now it was his turn to be mesmerised. He had always loved her laugh, her smile...basically everything. He had managed to bury his feelings for Pari by throwing himself deep into study and work - but she had still come to him in his dreams occasionally even long after their friendship had ended. Pushing her out of his mind and especially his heart had not been as successful as he had hoped. At times when he was with other women, either enjoying dinner, or sharing an intimate moment - Pari had popped up into his thoughts and completely thrown him off. Maybe that's why now that she had re-entered his life, the feelings rushed back quicker and stronger than ever. So strong that working with her had become near impossible. He couldn't hold his feelings back and had resorted to make physical contact with her to feel connected, either through a gentle brush of his fingers on her hand or a stroke of her hair. He couldn't resist her. And now when she laughed he felt as if his world was complete - she had always been the one. If only she felt that way, he wished. But she was married and letting his feelings toward her grow wasn't healthy.

"Ha ha very funny! I wasn't crying!" He said giving her a little nudge.

"We'll see about that! Let's watch Titanic today!" She said brightly.

Later that night as the two of them settled into Pari's tv room couch, Dev couldn't help getting a little closer to Pari. She noticed this too and deep inside wished he would completely close the gap between them. But no that wasn't appropriate.
As the movie played, Dev kept glancing sideways at Pari's beautiful face, illuminated by the light emitting from the television. She looked like an angel.

The next morning Dev woke up feeling refreshed and happy - the previous night had been wonderful. Just spending time with Pari was the best gift life could have delivered him. Yes he had become a little teary during the movie but it was Titanic! Who could blame him?
He jumped into the shower with Pari on his mind. He wanted to invite her to his apartment for the first time and share more of his current life with her. He hoped she would say yes. He practically raced to the office and bounded upstairs, unable to hide his excitement at seeing her. And there she was as radiant as ever.

Pari watched as Dev, wide eyed and dimples blazing, walked over to her work bench.

"Good morning!" He was seeping with nervous anticipation. Before waiting for a reply he went on, wanting to just get it out. "Look, I wanted to invite you over to dinner at my place. I can take you and drive you back here, it's not far"

"Sure, that sounds great." She said without a second thought. What was there to think about anyway? They were friends and she wanted to get to know him again - like she used to know him, or even more. She was glad he wanted to share his life with her. All these days it had been her inviting him but finally he wanted to show her his home too.

The work day went by slowly and Dev was counting every minute until they could leave. He could have left early and taken Pari with him however their schedule was packed and he didn't want anything delayed at work.

After long last Dev found himself in the car with Pari, eagerly driving her to his place.

"So what are you going to make me for dinner?" Pari asked cheekily. "Can my old bestie cook now?"

"Old bestie?" Dev felt weird hearing that he was her old best friend - who was her new one?

"Well I don't know who your current best friend is."

"You are. You know after you left, I never made another best friend. It was always you Pari." And he meant that in more ways than one.

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