Chapter 43 - India

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"Have you packed everything? Passport, tickets..?" Pari asked in a hurry.
"Yes I did, calm down Pari, everything is going to be okay, I'm here with you!" Dev said calming Pari down while chuckling a bit.
He kissed her cheek in order to calm her down. He grabbed her hand and lead the way to the taxi. Today was the day both would visit India again. Pari as well as Dev were very excited to be visiting their families again. Both hadn't seen their parents in a very long time. It would be nostalgic for both of them to see the place they grew up in. Half an hour later they arrived at the airport and stood in line for the luggage.
"Have you said anything to our parents about our trip?" Pari asked curiously.
"No, we're going to surprise them!" Dev answered. Finally it was their turn to check in the luggage. Everything went smoothly and as they had an hour left to wait for their flight they decided to grab a bite to eat before heading off.
"Oh look there's a McDonald's should we go there?" Dev suggested and pointed to McDonald's.
"Sure, I'm okay with anything."

Both walked into McDonald's hand in hand. They looked like a real couple. Although it was clear they loved one another they never stated their relationship status. Pari sat down at a free table and Dev went to order something. He came back with the food and sat down in front of her.
"Here's your food."
"Thank you." She said and took her food and began eating.
"So do your parents know about the whole Kabir thing?" Dev asked.
"No.. not really.. I didn't have the chance to inform them yet, I guess I'll be dropping a bombshell on them."
"Its alright I'm here for you!" Dev said and smiled softly at her.
Once both finished their food they decided to go to the departure area and wait for their plane at the gate. They cleared security in and went into the departure lounge.
"Wait here!" Dev said and left Pari sitting. He went to one of the duty free shops that sold jewelry. He wanted to ask Pari to be his girlfriend in the most nicest way possible. Especially after all she had gone through she only deserved the nicest things. He saw a beautiful golden necklace with an infinity sign and he thought it would suit her. Dev bought the necklace and went back.
"What did you buy? Something for your mother?"
"Guess again!" Dev laughed.
"For your father?" She said confused.
"Nope you're getting closer, open it silly!" Dev said and handed her the box.
Pari carefully opened it to discover the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. Pari loved the necklace. It was perfect.
"For me? You didn't have to Dev!"
"No wait, it's not all, I was wondering what the most perfect way to ask the most beautiful woman on earth to be my girlfriend would be like and this is what I've come up with!" Dev explained. Pari had tears in her eyes. She was overwhelmed. All these years she wasted when he was the one she needed and wanted all along.
"So what do you say? Would you do me the honor and become my girlfriend?"
"Of course Dev, I'd love to!" Pari almost screamed out of excitement. Dev took the necklace out of the box and put it on for her.
"Lovely!" Dev smiled.
Pari repayed him with a kiss as a thank you. It was time for their departure. They went into the plane and sat down at their seats. Dev put an arm around her.
"Long flight ahead of us, mind if I sleep?" Pari asked.
"Of course not!" Dev said and kissed her head. Dev himself was a little tired so he decided to sleep as well.

Endless hours and a stop later they finally arrived. First stop was Dev's parents house. Fortunately Dev's parents hadn't sold their old house and had moved back in after Dev left for New York. So both their parents were again neighbours.
Dev's parents were very happy to see him, especially Pari since they thought they had lost contact. They talked for a few hours, caught up and stored some of Dev's stuff before going over to Pari's parents home.
There both were greated with a big hug. Pari's parents were happy to see her and that with Dev, it was nice since everyone had a great talk. After Pari had dropped the bombshell they couldn't believe their poor daughter had to go through that. They were glad Dev came to the rescue and saved their daughter from that maniac. If they knew what kind of person he was they would have never agreed to Pari marrying him. Eventually when everyone calmed down Pari broke the news about Dev and her being a couple now. Pari's parents were glad about that. They knew Dev was a good guy and that they could fully trust their daughter with him. The day passed by with a lot of chatter and food after that. Pari's father was talking to Dev and watching some sports. Pari and her mother is were talking as well in Pari's old room.
"Pari, remember when you two were younger I always told you to be careful in case you might fall in love with him?" Pari's mother asked her.
Pari remembered the times. Her mother had advised that she be careful many times. Her mother had always assumed they were in love since they were so close, but Pari would always deny it.
"I do, I guess I did fall in love with him, but at least he didn't interfere with my studies." Pari giggled.
"Dev is a good man, he will take very good care for you, unlike Kabir." Her mother said sadly. Pari hugged her mother.
"It's alright maa, you're right Dev will take good care for me, you don't have to worry, because in my eyes life is perfect now."

Hello fellow readers, like every book this one too has unfortunately come to an end. I want to thank each and every reader for the lovely support! You guys kept us motivated! You're all awesome! 🥰❤

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