Chapter 28 - Fight

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Kabir came home later than usual and Pari could smell the alcohol on him as he walked into their room. She pretended to be sleeping as usual - but she was getting tired of this act. She was getting tired of being with a man who treated her like trash! But how could she find the strength to go against him?

"Pari? Wake up" He called loudly, his words slurring. "Wake up! Wake up!" He kept calling until she turned around glaring at him. She was growing increasingly exhausted with his bullshit.
"What Kabir?" She snapped. "I was sleeping."

"Look how many missed calls you have from this one number?" He said holding out her mobile and swaying from side to side.

"And?" What did he want from her? What could she do about the missed calls? "It's probably from work! In case you didn't realise, I haven't gone to work for a couple of days and I haven't notified them either!" She had trouble controlling her temper.

"Don't you take that tone with me" his voice slurred more as he struggled to stay standing. He was really drunk tonight. "I'm sick and tired of this guy calling you" he said shaking her phone in front of her face.

"Then destroy that phone too! You've already broken one of my phones, another won't make a difference." She knew raising her voice at Kabir wouldn't end well but she had had enough. He threw the phone at Pari and it hit her hard above her eyebrow. He then approached her and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of bed forcefully. She knew what was coming - pain.

"Kabir what do you want from me?" She yelled struggling against his hold. She had to get away from him this time - she wasn't sure she would survive another beating.

"I want you to be mine and only mine! If I can't have you all to myself then no one can have you." He growled menacingly. "I'll make sure that no one else can get you" he whispered tightening his grip on her arm as she struggle to free herself.

"I'd rather die than live like this." She spat back.

"Your wish is my command." He said grabbing her by her hair and dragging  her downstairs. "I'll give you exactly what you want" he proceeded to the kitchen with Pari in tow. He grabbed a meat knife out of the drawer and held it to her chest. "Is this what you want?" He said looking into her eyes. She didn't fear death - it seemed much better than what life was offering her.

"Kabir, if you want to kill me, just do it." She was ready!

"No this is way too easy." He said slurring. His eyes were going in and out of focus - he was way too drunk and Pari realised that this might be her only chance. Extremely aware of the knife pointed at her chest she made a well aimed kick to his groin. He bent double in pain, dropping the knife. Pari took the chance to run toward the front door. He had left the keys in the lock and hadn't locked the door behind him, so she bounded out of the house and ran, without looking back, down the street.

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