Chapter 29 - Free

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Pari kept on running. It was obvious that Kabir couldn't catch up to her as he was too drunk, yet Pari didn't want to risk her life. She ran like a mad woman, but what could she do, her husband had gotten out of control. If he wasn't that drunk who knows, maybe she would've been dead by now. Pari ran down the streets of New York, without anywhere to go. She ran as far as her legs carried her, but she made sure she was out of sight in case Kabir did end up looking for her. She tried to figure out a place to stay, but it was hard considering the time. Immediately Dev popped up in her mind. She hesitated for a second, but made up her mind. Pari was going to stay at Dev's house for a little. It was a 40 minute walk from Cypress Hills to East New York, but somehow Pari would manage to walk all that way. Pari hoped Dev would just take her in without questioning anything. But certainly she did not care anymore. She had to get out of that place if she wanted to stay alive. Luckily for her Kabir had no idea where Dev lived so she was sure she was safe there. Pari took a deep breath and inhaled the cold breeze. It felt good to be free. Free from all the pain and suffering. Free from Kabir and his endless beatings. She didn't want to be the one who suffered from now on. Pari wanted to live her life however she pleased. She should be allowed to choose who her friends are and who not. Nobody should cage her in and most certainly not Kabir. Pari didn't know what she was going to do, but for now she just had to be away from him.

Pari looked around her. It was dark, cold and no one to be seen around. Quite creepy one must say, but Pari didn't get scared from her surrounding. For the first time in long Pari feared nothing and no one. She had no idea where she got that courage from to fight against Kabir, but she was glad she did. 40 minutes passed and Pari finally found her way to Dev. She was sure he must be asleep. Who wouldn't be asleep at 3 in the morning? Pari had to come up with a good excuse to disturb him at this odd hour. She rang the bell and hoped Dev would open the door soon, as she was freezing. It didn't take long for a very sleepy Dev to open the door. Dev was very shocked to see Pari at this our in front of his door. He thought he was dreaming. His eyes needed some time to adjust.
"Pari? What are you doing here at 3am?" He finally managed to say.
Pari invited herself in and looked at Dev. Dev just closed the door in total confusion and waited for an explanation.
"Look I'm sorry to be disturbing you at this hour, but I had no where else to go." She explained.
Dev was even more confused now. Why wouldn't she be at home and asleep like a normal person. Instead she was roaming around the streets of New York. Only a little later had he noticed that she was bleeding. He got scared, what did that mean?
"Pari oh my god, are you alright what happened?" Dev said pointing to above her eyebrow. Pari hadn't even noticed she was bleeding. She carefully touched the spot and laughed bitterly at herself. She was used to the pain that she got immune to it.
"That's why I'm here. I was at a friend's birthday party and it got late, anyway I was on my way home and before I could reach the subway two hooligans attacked me. I managed to run away and shake them off, but I fell on my way. My friend happens to live near by, so as I was running the first safe place that came up in my mind was your place and here I am now telling you this all." Pari lied. It was a big lie, but Pari wasn't ready to tell Dev the truth yet. How in the world could she possibly explain to him that her drunk husband almost killed her. Without any proofs who would believe her. It took a while for Dev to observe that information.
"Are you alright? Where was Kabir? This is all so crazy!" Dev said while walking into the kitchen.
"Well.. Kabir was at home. He came back late from work I suppose so he went to sleep early." Pari hated lying to her best friend, but at least not now would she let him know.
He took a towel and made it a little wet and walked back. He suggested Pari to sit down so he could treat her wound. He carefully cleaned off the blood and looked at her.
"I wish I was there with you, I wouldn't have let those hooligans touch even one strand of your hair!" He hissed.
Pari smiled a little. Even in these situations he made her smile. She felt sad and happy at the same time. How was her best friend so caring and loving and her husband the complete opposite?
"I'm alright Dev I promise!" She said and took his hands in hers. She looked at him and gave him a promising look. At least for now she would be alright and safe at his place. Hopefully Kabir wouldn't find her here.

"I wish I could find those guys and beat the crap out of them for doing this to you!" Dev sighed. Little did he know that those "guys" who got her in this state in the first place is the same person as her husband. Pari couldn't hold back her tears anymore and let them fall. Dev got worried and felt bad for her.
"Hey don't worry, you're safe now!" He said and embraced her with a tight hug. After they stopped hugging he looked at her and carefully wiped them away.
"Thank you.." Pari mumbled.

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