Chapter 40 - Freedom

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Dev took Pari back to his place. Kabir was taken to the hospital under heavy police guard and from there he would be jailed pending a trial. Pari knee she would have to testify against him if she wanted him out of her life forever. She also knew she had to file for divorce as soon as possible. But for that day, she just wanted to be with Dev. As close as she could possibly be without ruining their friendship anyway. He hadn't replied when she said she loved him again - so she knew that she had to stop. She would hold her feelings in just to be closer to him.

"Good morning sunshine" Dev chimed as he walked into the kitchen. Pari had woken early to make him breakfast and hitch a ride to work. It had been a week since Kabir was hospitalised. She felt like a million dollars! Knowing Kabir couldn't come anywhere near her and Dev made everything seem 100 times better. She felt healthier and happier than she had felt in years.

"Good morning Dev. I've made breakfast, sit down." She said taking his plate and putting it on the dining table. He followed and sat down looking eager like a small child - she had sudden flashbacks to their childhood. He was still the same sweet Dev.

"Thanks for this! I'm so happy that you're coming back to work today." He said digging in.

"Me too! I swear I feel so free!" She said floating back to the kitchen. Pari had taken all of her belongings out of Kabir's home and put it into storage during the past week. The only thing left to do was file for divorce. "I can finally look for an apartment too!" She said - wishing she could stay with Dev but knowing she had intruded on him long enough.

His face fell at the mention of her moving out. "New apartment? What do you mean?"

"Well I have to start my life again. Best starting place is to find a home." She said doing the washing.

"So you're moving out?" He said putting his fork down.

"I can't stay here forever Dev, cmon what are we, married?!" She said jokingly. But he didn't laugh. He didn't even smile. He looked down at his meal and fidgeted with his fork. "Dev? What's wrong?" She asked walking to him.

"No nothing Pari I mean you have to do what's right for you." He said trying to smile.

If only he knew what she really wanted and what felt right for her. If only he didn't push her away. He acted like an ever loving partner and always took care of her but when she expressed her feelings he didn't want to acknowledge them. She felt confused.

"I don't know what's right for me Dev, but I can't trouble you forever."

"Hey I never said you troubled me. You can stay here for as long as you want!" He said peeking up.

"Well I'll have to stay a bit longer until I find a good place."

"Stay as long as you want." He said getting up. "Let's go, we're going to be late otherwise." He said gesturing for Pari to follow him out. She felt that he didn't want her to move out which made her happy - but she wished he would make up his mind about what he really wanted.

The day went by amazingly for Pari. She worked hard and tried to catch up on things she had missed out on. Working gave her purpose and she loved her job! It was nice to be out of the house and feeling independent. She had never felt this free since she had initially moved to New York. That was one huge reason for her moving here - she wanted to be free, independent and in control of her own life. She enjoyed this feeling but she also wanted to be close to Dev - he made her feel loved and wanted without taking away her independence. Kabir had crushed her independence and flushed it down the toilet!

"What are you thinking about?" Dev said sitting across from Pari at her desk.

"It's just nice to be back at work again." She said smiling at him. Her smile made his heart skip beats. And how infectious it was! He couldn't help but grin back at her. She wanted to run her hand over his dimples - and she didn't stop herself. Reaching over she stroked his cheek and he leaned into her hand, sighing deeply.

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