Pedro Buhay's point of view

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It was very warm. The heat of the sun is as if determined to scorch everything, even our low square nipa house that stood unashamed relief against the gray-green haze grass and leaves.

Our dwellibg located far fron it's neighbors, t'was lonely. Soledad my wife at her early twenties stood beautifully on the porch incurious with the scenery in front of her by it's familiarity. it is almost harvest time. i can already see the rise of the sturdy stalks and the golden grain. a great reward for hard toil. but i can still see discontent in her.

i am Pedro Buhay, a prosperous farmer. Soledad is my second wife. My first wife died bcuz of sickness. i don't know if i really fully forgotten her and replaced her. but what i know is i love Soledad. i smiled at her as she stood in the doorway. we are about to eat our midday meal.

"where are the shirt i ironed yesterday?" she asked.

"in my trunk, i think." i answered.

"some of them need darning." she's observing the empty plate, she added. "do you want more rice?"

No,” i said hastily, “I am in a burry to get back. We must finish plowing the south field today because tomorrow is Sunday.”

i stood up and and get the key from the pocket of my coat. two keys, small and big were tied together. i untied it but my eyes is on her. she looked at me suspiciously and her eyes is on my hands as i put the small key back to my pocket and give her the big key.
"here is the key of my trunk." handed it to her and she took it without a word but with a strange look.

i put my arms around her shoulder. as we go out into the porch.

You look pale and tired,” i remarked softly. “What have you been doing all morning?”

“Nothing,” she said listlessly. “But the heat gives me a headache.”

“Then lie down and try to sleep while I am gone.” For a moment we looked deep into each other’s eyes.

“It is really warm,” he continued. “I think I will take off my coat.”

absent-mindedly, i handed her my coat and left the house. i know she followed me with a stare down the road.
i remember to pass by Tia Maria's house for she will be alone the whole day. i promised her to be back before dark.

while i was working and plowing the field. i thought of her, so slight, so frail. i can't explain why i have this urged to be back home as early as i can but i have to finish my work.

i remember the coat that i wore before i left the house. the small key was there. that key might be the reason to destroy something that is beautiful between me and her. i hope not. I'm hoping that she will not be curious about it.

we are all tired and ready to be back in our homes. As i arrived, Tia Maria met me on the gate and told me that Choleng has a fever.

I have to get a doctor even if i know that the town was pretty far and the road was dark and deserted by that hour of the night. i am so worried that this might be a serious sickness. i am a bit puzzled, the fever came so sudden, though i noticed that she looks unfeeling well early this afternoon.

"Don't Indo, i shall be alright tomorrow!" i heard her say but i still go to the town.

i returned after couple of hours. the doctor was not at home but the wife promised to tell him about our concern when he arrive. Tia Maria decided to stay with us at night.

the soft sunshine from outside the window in the morning awakened me. Soledad is still asleep, i can hear her breathing. i missed the pleasant smell of the aroma from the kitchen every morning i wake up.

i check the kitchen and search for a firewood. with an axe on my shoulder i went to the backyard and found a pile of log under a
mango tree. i noticed a remnants of a smudge that had been built in the backyard. as if somebody burned clothes there.

ahh. maybe she swept yesterday and the heat of the sun made her unwell.

i checked the dust again and it is not leaves but clothing. the thought of the small key of the trunk where the old clothes of my first wife was hidden
popped up in my mind.
Did she discovered it?
She shouldn't do such thing.... such foolish thing!

i ran towards the house, fastest as i can. and opened the trunk- it was empty!

the doctor came late in the afternoon, he said she's fine. nothing serious happen to his wife only that she is worried about something. she just needed rest.

i was in the porch when the doctor left.  i will try not to be angry at her. i hoped it would be just an interlude that could be recalled without bitterness. She would explain sooner or later, she would be repentant, perhaps she would even listen and eventually forgive her, for she was young and i loved her. But somehow i knew that this incident would always remain a shadow in our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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