The Boy Travels to Min Kingdom

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"Wow you don't look good. Didn't sleep well?" Jimin was making pancakes while looking how exhausted Jungkook looked like he saw something terrible and couldn't sleep. He sat down on at the breakfast bar while still wearing the necklace to keep his dragon form from showing. "Umm yeah I didn't sleep the greatest, it felt like someone is in trouble."

"Like Mr. Kim, your art teacher?" Jimin placed the pancakes in front of the sleepy boy and the two started eating their delicious pancakes together. "Y-Yeah..."

"Well maybe because you two have a connection together after all." Jungkook eyes opened wide after what his friend had said.

Since when did Jimin knew about us being together?

So he asked while finishing up his last bites of pancakes. "H-How did you know that Tae-Mr.Kim and I are together?"

"Oh the air told me and I can tell you two kissed. Every person has a sent in the air. Yours is a warm fall sent while your lover is cold cozy sent of holiday." Jimin explained pretty well and it gave the idea of that his friend is a Park.

"Jimin are you somewhat a prince of Park?" Jungkook asked with a curious but also questionable face with his eyes wide. His friend nodded a yes that he his the son of the Park kingdom. The boy thought he was just normal. He thought wrong then since the beginning of his new life. "Wow that took a turn just now, so can you tell me where Mr. Kim is?"

Wow that was weird to say that since I know his name. Jungkook had a face of not used to saying his teacher's last name since he only says Taehyung.

"Sure, just let me focus on the air and wind." The pink hair boy sat in the middle of the living room in crisscross and fists together and then closed his eyes to connect the air around him. In the air is multiple scents, but with the prince of Kim having a purple color type of scent to track him on where he is. Jimin will surely find him. "Umm Jungkook, I have you tell you something that you won't like."

"What is it Jimin?" Jungkook asked while walking over tying his hair up in a half ponytail letting fringes of his hair loose. "You won't like this but your connection with your teacher, he's in the Min Kingdom all hurt."

A fire lit inside of the prince of anger, confusion, and being upset took over his body. Blood rushing in every vein and fists tighten up. "God dammit Yoonji." The shouting of anger threw Jimin into a little jump scare. "That bitch is going to pay. I know she wants us to get married, but I don't love her at all."

"Jung -Jungkook calm down before your dragon form takes over. We'll get him back. We just need more backup." With the comfort his friend gave to the other. He calmed down and sat down next to the bubble gum pink hair boy. A smile grew on the two and also determination to bring back Taehyung. "Jimin, you're coming with me and get back up." The pink hair nodded and grabbed his phone to call a very good old friend of his.

Then a knock on the door came over and Jungkook walked over to see who it was. The half ponytail boy wasn't expecting Yoongi. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you because my sister is going crazy with your connection with Taehyung. His shadow showed you. Your shadow also shows you two have something special." Yoongi was welcomed in and he saw the bubble pink hair being all smiley and happy. When Jimin got off the phone, he saw the mint hair boy. "Oh hey Yoongi. I see you're here to help."

A nod occurred "I aspect that you called Hoseok? We definitely need his help." Then a voice travelled to the two princes that Jungkook was speaking now."Alright I contacted Namjoon and Jin. They'll help as well. We should get going now."


After travelling from university to the town of Min Kingdom that was an hour away surprisingly. All five boys were at the entrance of the town. That's when they saw a happy heart smiling boy running towards them. "Yoongi!" shouting from the light brown boy. "Nice to see you too Hobi."

"Everyone this is Jung Hoseok. He from the Jung Kingdom and he's also my lover and Jimin's old friend." Jin cooed at this lovely light and dark relationship. "That is so sweet. You are like yin and yang." Yoongi blushed a little and shook his head to what's most important. Finding Taehyung. "Alright everyone, we'll just act like regular citizens in town. We all have normal clothes, right?"

Everyone nodded since very one have jeans, sweatpants, different shoes, t-shirts, turtle necks, some wearing hats, and jackets. Any regular citizen clothes really.

"We should get moving then." Jungkook insisted and all of them entered the Min Kingdom territory. Inside the town was very pleasing to look at. Jungkook thought it would be more darker, but it's not. It was nice seeing smiling children, smelling baked goods, and flowers at their finest.

"How far do we need to get to your place?" Jimin asked while fixing his own black beanie.

"Not to far since security here is not as great from the Jeon kingdom. Look we're here. Just act normal." The mint hair walked over to the security guards and told them he invited some friends along. The guards didn't let them in that easily. "Excuse me? Are you saying no to your prince that I can't bring friends?"

"Oh of course not. We're very sorry." Yoongi then made a hand wave to come into his home. They followed him and it was very dark and light theme. "Alright Jungkook, Taehyung is downstairs to your left and that's where you'll find him. My sister is sleeping, so everyone just keep quiet."

"I'm bringing Namjoon and Jimin for back up." Namjoon and Jimin followed the determined boy to rescue Taehyung, his lover back safely.

"I think this is what Yoongi said the door would be on the left side and then it'll go down where Taehyung is." Namjoon reminded the two and then he opened the door to see stairs going down that led to see a hurt boy in chains. He has scars and bruises everywhere. Even on his beautiful face.

"Taehyung, we're here to rescue you." The boy hugged Taehyung and the other hugged him back in joy and no pain and emptiness. His dragon will save him.

"Not so fast Jungkook. You're not going anywhere." A female voice came along and it was Yoonji. All of the boys' faces were in shock and I mean they got shocked from her lighting. Everyone was in pain and chained up like Taehyung.

Except for Jungkook where he was being taken somewhere else.


Wow, this is some reunion. This is getting intense.(•_•)?

Well you just have to wait until next update. (^o^)

Hoped you enjoyed (ω ) ~♪

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