The Teacher and Student

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Jungkook was greeted back into his freedom life after he left the hospital with Taehyung. They got to see each other in class and outside of class as well again.

Taehyung went back to teaching students and being called Mr. Kim again and Jungkook being that normal student that no one suspected him to be a prince of dragons. No one was ruling the Jeon kingdom because the boy wasn't ready and will probably never be able to be the dragon king of his home kingdom.

Namjoon and Jin took charge of his home while waiting for a family member of the Jeon to come forth to take place of ruling. Yoongi went back to be his home kingdom too with Hoseok about the public relationship they have and everything was great for them. Yoonji on the other hand, she's still learning how to love and Jimin is helping her to be more herself with him. They look cute together.

With Jungkook and Taehyung, the two had been going on dates and talking about their favorite things in life and they starting living together, but they also added a new member. It was a fluffy dog name, Yeontan.

Everything was fine, except for the fire in Jungkook, it burned out to the last bit of flame he had left. He decided to train again like the old times in the court yard of his home. Sometimes Taehyung watches him and it makes him blush in embarrassment and a cute smile appeared on his face, when the long hair boy would come over for a break and getting a drink of water, while being shirtless.

"How's the training going?" Taehyung asked while giving a towel to Jungkook. They brushed their finger tips of each others' hands, from giving a towel to the other to wipe off the sweat on him, and both smiled with giggles in the air filling around them. "I'm doing fine, just slowly getting there. You could try training, make you stronger than you are now."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook smirked for a moment, "You can join me if you want." and then set the towel down on the duffel bag he brought since this morning and its a Saturday afternoon. He walked back  stretching and trained some more, which made the other blush some more. He really have to be like that. Jungkook isn't that shy boy I used to know, now I see a man and the love of my life. Taehyung checked the time and saw that one of the other art teachers wanted him for some teacher things.

"Hey Jungkook, I have to go to a teachers meet. I'll be right back." So he picked up his bag, which was a backpack because it's easier to carry his supplies around. He walked off to the the halls of the teachers' office in the art area.

His eyes saw the different teachers that were older than him and had more experience with teaching. One of them was Sarang. She's very beautiful with her dark long hair to her shoulders and bright eyes when she looks at you. Also how care free her style was, yeah Taehyung admired her like a roll model.

"So Taehyung, I see you're hanging out with one of your students I see." She paused and continued on talking with a grin plastered on her face. "You have a favorite on a certain boy in your class."

"Sort of, yes. Why do you ask that?" Taehyung pushed a piece of hair behind his ear with quick nervous glances and changing his standing position to leaning on a desk. "Just wondering if you have a liking to him because I saw you and that boy together at the art store the other day."

This was bad for him now, there was a rule that a student and teacher couldn't date each other, when this university was built by his family. Taehyung broke that rule easily and forgot about it. "Umm it's not what it looks like. You see our parents-" Sarang cut him off and laughed at the other's expression. She then walked closer and patted his shoulder and happily said, "Hey it's alright, just keep it on the down low. You know how the boy's fans are. They're suspicious about you."

"I-I'll keep that on mind Sarang and I have to get back." Sarang nodded and let Taehyung go back to Jungkook. Then a presence was really eerie and very uncomfortable. It felt like someone or something was watching him. His footsteps were quicker and the eerie presence was getting closer too by pacing faster. His head turned back to see who it was and it was Jungkook's fans.

Why in the hell they have to follow me? I can't let them get back to Jungkook, he'll be mobbed.

He turned to a different direction to hide and making sure the fans loose sight of him. It was actually harder than expected to loose them. "How does Jungkook get his fans away from him? They're crazy." Until an arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him into an empty classroom. Before he screamed, it was Jungkook. "Shh, don't make a sound until they're completely gone." Taehyung nodded and kept quiet for a moment. They both looked out the door window and it was clear to see they were gone for now.

Jungkooo looked out through the door window and made a signal to let the other know it was safe.

"Alright lets head this way." The two walked out the classroom and headed over to the other side of the campus. Their feet made them walk to the indoor pool. No one was there and it was super quiet like a church mouse. The water was still and calm. Untouched by anything. It was illuminating but also memorizing of the two. Jungkook then asked, "Wanna jump in?"

"Are you crazy? We have normal clothes that's not meant for water." Something hit his face and it was Jungkook's clothes. A big splash happening while Taehyung took the other's clothes off of his face. "You really did that and are you even wearing anything?"

Jungkook nodded and just standing in the pool. "Yeah I have swim trunks on. I led you here on purpose." Taehyung rolled his eyes with a "why do I love you again?" smile, until something grabbed his ankle while his shoes flew off  when he hit the water. Jungkook was laughing when Taehyung swam back up with wet hair covering his eyes and now wet clothes, also including a mad pouty expression that was painted on his face."

"You should see the look on your face. It's unreal."

"I bet it was until this." A big splash of pool water hit Jungkook right in the face hard like a smack from a hand, and floated him to the other side of the pool. Now his long hair is drenched and Taehyung was giggling this time and Jungkook giving the pouty mad face. "You must've forgot that my powers is ice and ice is the solid of water. So you're in my territory now." Sure it was logic from science that water freezes and turn into ice and vic versa. Jungkook chuckled a bit and swam closer, and when he got close enough to his teacher boyfriend, he pushed his hair back revealing his forehead. Which he was shirtless in front of his teacher's eyes. "Really now? Last time I checked, you weren't glad that I pulled you into this pool." Jungkook smirked with lustful tension in his eyes.

Jungkook was getting closer, their faces inches away, lips almost touching. Taehyung was starting to blush when his was blood rushing to the back of his neck. It turned all warm all of a sudden. "You're quiet all of a sudden. Something wrong?"

"No no-nothing at all." Taehyung gulped, then his lips connected with another pair. It took a few seconds to kiss back to the boy.

He then kissed back and wrapping his arms of the neck of the shirtless Jungkook, muscles showing and drips of water droplets down his body. It was starting to get intense until someone cleared their throat and they disconnected their lips and seeing a smiling Jimin standing above them at the edge of the pool with a sly face with a giggle. Both started blushing with tints of red and pink. "Looks like you two are having fun."

"Um y-yeah, how did you know we were here?"

"It's called I felt your aura from the air and it was starting to feel heated, so that's how I found you two." Jimin pushed his hair back with a sigh that everything was normal. Well almost because of Yoonji of course.

Taehyung dragged himself out of the pool and his clothes fully drenched. Jimin left already because he needed to meet up with his now girlfriend, Yoonji, at the ice cream parlor, while the two were drying up with extra towels. "See yeah later love dragons."

After drying up, they headed back home together and it was late at night. Jungkook let Taehyung have his jacket around his shoulders while they were holding hands. "I love you Jungkookie."

"I love you too Tae."


I hoped you liked this.

I thought a pool scene was needed for some reason.¯\_(˶◡‵˶)_/¯

Jungkook will definitely have a huge surprise in a couple of update soon. ( ˵ ˵)

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