I'm just a Student Now

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"Jungkook wait for me!"

"No me!"

"Come back, we want to ask you something about your powers!"

"Hell no! You women are to crazy for me!" Jungkook was again being chased by fans of his that he didn't want to see again, since everyone knows the truth now about him and his dragon powers. Things got a little hectic when him and Taehyung when they came back as teacher and student.

The boy is so glad he can out run those crazy women while he's wearing timberlands. They were outside and the sky was his only option now. So his wings grew out of him and eyes changed to a golden color and he quickly set himself to head up where they can't reach him.

Squeals were under him and he was now safe, well for now until he gets to see Taehyung again at the end of the day. He was hanging in the sky until the fans were out of sight and gladly they were gone. "They need to really get things together." He crossed his arms and sighed.

"Anyways let's see if I can actually get to class."

Luckily he made it to class on time and no fans after him. He was just a normal student now, yeah a little different, but everyone is fine with it and sort of a hero and sort of a model student in a way.

Classes became more interesting since everyone for projects wants his help and some girls try getting to be Jungkook's girlfriend but he refuses them in a nice way and he was taken already by someone.

They always ask who it is which would be embarrassing, since Taehyung is right there at his desk seeing what's going on. It was quite enjoyable since no one knows except the people from Jungkook's family, the Mins', and the other royal families as well.

"Alright girls, what's more important? The student or the work that's due in two days?" The girls went back to their seats with groans and worked on their projects while Jungkook can relax now and gave a thank you look with a famous bunny smile when he's most happy. Taehyung gave a simple smile of comfort to the boy.

Finally it was quiet and students were working on their projects as needed.

Until class ended a little earlier and everyone left to their homes and jobs as needed for money.

While that, Jungkook and Taehyung were heading home while they saw Jimin running up to them with flower crowns in his hands. He threw them on their heads. "There you go love dragons. I thought it wouldn't be complete if you didn't have one on your head. Yoonji helped me of course."

"That's sweet of you two. Jungkook and I love them." Taehyung leaned his head on the boy's shoulder next to him and Jungkook softly smiled on how this is actually happening with them. "Oh Jimin how's Yoonji doing anyways? Learning the love thing?"

Jimin nodded "She's doing much better now." And speaking of Yoonji, she came up to them in a black floral dress with a pretty lace choker and her hair with a head band on her with a added bow on it. It was cute and of course she was cute too.

"Oh hi, um I hope you like the flower crowns I made."

"Quick question, why are they blue, purple, and red? I'm really curious how you planned this since I'm an art teacher in this university." Taehyung thought it was pretty how the flowers are arranged on their heads and what's the meaning behind it and so Yoonji explained her reasoning on the flower crowns. "Well it's simple really. Red and blue makes purple and purple means that you love and trust them. I thought it would be meaningful to you two."

"That's very thoughtful and I hope you two will have a healthy relationship yourself."

Jimin shyly smiled and looked at his girlfriend and blushed a tiny of pink like his hair is. The other three laughed and wave their goodbyes to them and they headed their separate ways nows.


Waiting at the door entrance was Yeontan sitting there and hearing the door unlocked seeing his favorite people since day one when they got him.

Smiles were made and how the two saw how tiny the dog was so adorable for them to not fond over. They were like a family already. A family that cares for each other everyday and happiness as much as they can.

"Tannie we missed you, let's give you your dinner. Jungkook can you do that while I have to do tomorrow's schedule?" Jungkook nodded and heads over to the kitchen and called the tiny dog to where the boy was. Yeontan started running and it was cuteness overload he can be. Taehyung started giggling whenever that happens.

"I'll make dinner too." Jungkook added while petting the hungry dog and getting up from kneeling. He grabbed everything for dinner and it started to smell delicious that you could travel to the bedroom where his Taehyung was at.

"Mm I smell something good and..." Taehyung was eyeing the view of the one making dinner with his sleeves rolled up with arm muscles showing and an apron around him, but looks attractive. He sort of gulped we could say.

"Oh, dinner is ready, but I just have to get the table set, if you can help me with that."

"Um sure."

By then, they ate dinner and headed in the bedroom in sleeping wear. Taehyung wearing a giant baggy shirt with black shorts to the thighs and Jungkook in red and black checkered plaid pajama pants and being shirtless. Cuddling each other and just enjoying each other's time.

Then the tiny dog jumped on the bed and squeezed himself in between them and snuggled while began sleeping with doggy snore.

Both looked into each other's eyes and pecked each other a goodnight.


I'll work on this book more so I can work on my other stories.

More updates will be coming soon on this.

So please wait for more of this story and the ending to this as well.

The Boy with the Dragon Tattoo ||KTH.JJK|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now