4! hang out

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"ok so we're going for a sad song right?" corbyn asked as he was seated on his seat on the big round table everyone else around him.

"yeah that's what we were thinking," hera replied motioning with her hands towards the girls as they nodded in approval.

"well for the melody i have something settled," daniel said as he grabbed his guitar placing it in front of him.

"show us then," evelynn replied her head resting at the palm of her hands as her elbows rested on the table.

daniel started strumming the melodies that he had made just a night ago and the girls were definitely shocked from his talent.

"yeah and we thought the first lines would sound something like," zach said as he coughed signaling daniel to start from the beginning so he could sing.

My mother said I'm too romantic
She said, "You're dancing in the movies"
I almost started to believe her
Then I saw you and I knew
Maybe it's 'cause I got a little bit older
Maybe it's all that I've been through
I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder
And how I see myself with you

zach finished singing as the girls clapped in amazement, zach going red from all of the attention.

"that could for sure be the first verse," charlotte said as she wrote the part on her notebook all of the other girls doing the same.

"we could have zach and bea sing that part cause their voice are really similar," rome suggested as zach shared a glance with bea who smiled at the younger boy.

"ok ready?" jonah asked as the two nodded and daniel started strumming the melodies and the two started singing but their voices didn't seem to work out.

"um bea try going a bit more higher then zach," hera said scrunching her nose at the bit part making zach smile, him knowing that she does that a lot.

daniel started to play on his guitar again and the couple sang once again but the melody just didn't quite go well and their voices still didn't fit.

"ok this isn't working so how about we try zach the first two lines and then bea the next two line and then the other two lines together then zach one line and bea the other," charlotte suggested as the the two nodded getting ready to sing.

daniel started strumming the melody once again and zach started singing his soft voice voice going perfect with the lines, and then started bea and she sounded just as amazing.

after they were done singing the first verse the two looked at the the other group of seven who were clapping and nodding in approval.

"ok let's record that and then we'll start writing the prechorus," daniel clapped his hands as he took his guitar and put it in it's place as bea and zach walked in the recording booth getting ready to sing once again.


"hehe wait up," zach got hera's attention as she was about to leave with the other girls since it had been awhile in the studio.

"yes zach," hera turned around smiling at the taller boy who was nervously playing with his hands.

"i was wondering if would like to hang out?" zach asked biting the inside of his cheeks as he stared at the girls hazel eyes.

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