29! what is going on

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I'm a natural disaster
But even after all that I do
It's you-

"stop stop," charlotte stopped hera from singing as bea stopped playing on the piano all of them furrowing their eyebrows, "why are you not on the right note?" charlotte asked the girl who shrugged, grabbing a piece of hair and fiddling with it.

"i'm just not feeling," she shrugged as charlotte sighed rubbing her temple, before a terrible loud noise rang through the room coming from bea's piano as the girl had hit the piano harshly with her hands.

"rome you have anything new?" bea asked after a minute of silence as the girl looked up from her notebook nodding.

"well kinda i-"

"sing it," bea stopped her from going further more as the girl nodded clearing her throat before starting.

Sleepless nights and cigarettes
My daily dose of internet
And all the things I shoulda quit, but never did, oh

rome stopped looking up as the girls nodded in response, "that with a few more lines i was thinking could be the first verse," rome shrugged as she underlined the lyrics so she knows there going to be used.

"yeah i like that and it fits with the theme as well," charlotte nodded grabbing a pencil and her notebook going over to rome and writing the lyrics down.

"and the begging could start something with this kind of melody perhaps," evelynn got the attention of the girls after she had been on the corner trying to find some good tunes to fit the melody that bea had created with the piano, she strummed the guitar letting the melody starts as the girls slowly moved their head to the rhythm liking it.

"that goes very well with my piano," bea commented after evelynn nodded, "now we have to continue with the rest of the song," bea turned her chair back around as she grabbed her pen and went back to riding.

"i have to go and use the bathroom," hera spoke before rushing out of the room making all of the girls look at each other confused.

"i got this," rome calmed everyone down as she got up walking out the door to the end of the hallway where the bathroom was, as she heard vomiting noises making her scrunch her nose.

"hera baby it's me," rome spoke quietly as she had made it to the door opening it slightly as she saw hera on the ground crying, "is everything alright?" she asked as hera shook her head, rome taking a seat next to her.

"i've been to stressed recently and it has caused me multiple break outs and a ton shit of vomiting," hera cried out as rome ran her tongue through her teeth.

"hera i'm sorry to say this but," rome started putting her hair behind her letting out a huge breath, "those are pregnancy symptoms," she told the girl as hera nodded crying more.

"i know and i'm not ready for that hehe," s hera sobbed as rome stretched her arms out, "i'm 18 and my family will literally disown me," hera told the girl who ran her fingers through her hair.

"if you are pregnant you have me and the girls we will never leave you," rome reassured the girl, "i'm sure your family will understand," rome told the girl who shook her head, "do you know who the dad is?" rome asked.

"the last time i had sex was in the car with zach," hera explained, "and we didn't use protection but he pulled away," hera told the girl who face palmed herself.

"bebe i love you but are you stupid for having sex with him without a condom," rome hit the girl who let out an "ow" before giggling.

"we were caught in the moment ok?" she told the girl as she got up, a huge breath letting out her mouth, "if i am pregnant how will i tell zach? i don't even think he's ready."

"no matter how much of an idiot and a player he is i know for a fact he will support you," rome assured the girl before her phone started ringing on her sweatshirt pocket, she grabbed looking at the caller id, "it's grayson," she gave the girl a smile as hera nodded her head, rome answering the call.

hi baby

hi gray

i know you're gonna be
late at night at the studio
today but i was wondering
if we could go on a double date

double date? with who?

with daniel and bryana
daniel reached out to me
and since i know you're
friends with them i said yes

oh-oh that's great-great
what time?

9pm i'll come pick you
up 10 minutes before

ok bebe see you

see you

rome ended the call a mouth leaving her mouth as she turned to face hera, "we won't tell the girls yet and we'll go buy a pregnancy test tomorrow ok?" rome asked the girl as she stuck out her pinky finger.



and this kids is why you
use protection
also double update uwu

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