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I stumbled down the well-lit hallway. My mind abuzz with everything that had just happened. I found the stairs that led down to the ground floor. I let my body go on autopilot.

 I had lost count of the number of times I had taken this trip. I was walking down the concrete steps and thinking back to the first time I met Jake.

I had been out with friends from work and was supposed to be meeting him but he never showed up. One by one my friends had left and I had been left with just Annabelle who was by far my closest friend. She liked to be out as much as I did. 

We were both dancing when a big handed tapped me on the shoulder. When I had turned around I was faced with a solid wall of muscle encased in a black shirt with the words SECURITY stamped across it.

"Boss wants you in the VIP" the large man barked at me.  Pointing up to the sectioned off area.

As I looked up a gorgeous man caught my eye. He tipped his glass in my direction and I assumed this was the 'boss' the hulk of a man was referring to.

"Can I bring my friend?" I shouted back, trying to be heard over the loud music. I looked back to Annabelle who could barely contain her excitement at going up to the VIP section.

The mountain man nodded and held his arm out gesturing for us to start walking in that direction. Annabelle grabbed my hand and squealed in excitement. She was a lot more enthusiastic about life than I was. 

She saw the good in everything and never let anything bring her down. I was amazed at how well we got on considering I was the opposite of her in every way. She was dark haired and looked like she should be on the cover of Vogue. 

Like myself she didn't have any problems catching male attention but whilst I approached men wondering what they wanted she approached them time thinking she'd found the one.

"Oh my god, I'm in love" Annabelle declared as we reached the rope that sectioned off the VIP area.

She was staring at another man who was sat next to the boss. He was good looking but he had nothing on the man who had asked us over. 

The rope was opened and we stepped in. The man who had caught my eye walked over and slid his arm around my back.

"I couldn't keep my eyes off you, you are by far the sexiest women I have laid my eyes on this evening" he whispered in my ear.

"It the dress, it has magic powers" I mused back and I could feel his lips to up into a smile against my ear.

"No baby, its you" he replied, making me wonder how many times he'd used that line. I laughed at the thought.

"Something funny?" he questioned looking down at me with his dark eyes.

"Just wondering if that line actually every worked for you?" I replied.

"Believe me sweetheart, I rarely have to use a line on a women to get her to sleep with me" he grinned back.

"Then allow me to be your first" I retorted.

He laughed; it was a deep and warm laugh that I felt all over my body. He grabbed my hand and led me over the table where he had been sat. Annabelle followed behind me and we were introduced to his friend Max. 

Glasses of champagne were handed out and we all sat chatting for a while before Max and Annabelle paired off and went to the bar together.

The boss who had introduced himself as Jake leaned closer and whispered in my ear; "Want to make tonight more fun?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of white powder. I wasn't naïve; I knew exactly what it was he was offering. It wouldn't be the first time I took drugs. It would just be the first time I did them with someone I didn't really know.

As he hadn't shown up and I knew this was something he'd frown at, I thought fuck it.

I nodded back at Jake and he lined up the coke handing me a rolled up note. I don't remember much of the evening after that. I know I woke up in his bed the next morning feeling like a bus had hit me.

We'd clearly had a lot of sex that night based on the amount of discarded condom wrappers strewn all over the floor. I just couldn't remember it. 

Jake had been in the bathroom and I took his absence as an opportunity to leave. Quickly.

I didn't see Jake again for another two weeks but when I laid eyes on him again at another club a similar night had ensued. This became our routine.

That was a year and a half ago.

Now I was standing outside his flat in the cold waiting for a taxi. I wondered if he had wanted more from me. What could have been if instead of leaving that first morning without saying a word to him I had stayed?

I don't know where along the line our 'relationship' had become so fucked up.

On that thought my taxi arrived and I climbed inside and gave the driver my address thankful that I would nearly be home.

I took my phone out of my bag. The screen indicated that I had one missed call from Mike. He was my older brother and knew full well what I got up to when I was out. My mum had been desperate for a daughter and when I came along she had said our family was complete. They treated me like I was the princess of the family. I could no wrong in any other their eyes.

Mike  knew what I was really like and that was only because he'd picked me up more than once when I'd been a complete state but to my mum and dad I was perfect. 

He phoned at 12.01am. I looked at the time; it was 3.54am. Fuck. I would have to in work in a few hours.I wondered on what my brother wanted. I couldn't exactly ring him back now but it was unlike him to call me at that time. He had left a voicemail. I pressed the button to listen 

"Hey Till, hope you're doing ok. Not heard from you in a couple of days. Can you give me a ring in the morning. I have some news I need to tell you." Sounded interesting. I wondered if Lana was pregnant. Mike would make a great dad. 

I felt the taxi come to a stop and noted that I had arrived home. I paid the driver and made my way to the front entrance of my flat.

I was well aware that my flat was a light year away from the luxury of Jake's. To be honest it was a dump. I lived in a high-rise block but I loved it. I walked across the entry way and looked around. Yep, it was an absolute dump. The walls had mildew on and needed painting about 10 years ago. It was 100% unsafe, but it was what I could afford in the middle of London. 

As I stepped into the lift and it started moving I started to feel sick again. I just needed to make it to bed without throwing up. I was on the 9th floor but the lift was so slow I would have been quicker walking up the stairs. 

The lift jolted to stop and I walked out in the direction of my flat. I unlocked the door and stepped in throwing off my shoes and bags. I pretty much sprinted to my bed and climbed under the covers fully clothed. 

I was a mess.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness of sleep take over. 



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