He Loves Me Too?

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AN: TW for self-harm

(Kirishima POV)

Wait? He loves me too? I thought he was too manly for me. Even after what he just told me, he's still the manliest guy I know. Whether he was born a boy or a girl, it doesn't change the fact I love him. He's still the same person I met earlier this year-, and that's when I saw them. The scars, the cuts, and the bruises all over his arms. "Bakugo... why?" That's all I could get out. "Hm?" he said looking up, I guess I had a sad and horrified look on my face because his hands instantly went for mine. "Kiri, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Why would someone so amazing do this to themselves? "Why?" "Why what? Kiri, what are you talking about?" Did he call me Kiri again? "Your arms... why?" is all I can say before I start crying and Bakugo is hugging me.

(Bakugo POV)

He looks so scared and sad, what happened? He keeps asking "Why?" but I don't know how to answer him. "Kiri, what's wrong? Are you ok?", Did I just call him Kiri? It's kinda cute, Kiri. I like that. That's going to be his new nickname if he's ok with it of course. I can tell Kiri is struggling to tell me something. "Your arms... Why?" Shit, he saw them. Wait, he's crying? He really does care. Before I can even think about what I'm doing I'm hugging him, squeezing tighter every minute we sit there. After about 5 mins he's calm enough where I feel ok to let go and I explain why. "It's hard, It's hard constantly being called a girl, it, freak, shemale, and my dead name. I needed an escape from the pain. I needed a way out, a way to forget the world for a while and just focus on the pain and on one thing instead of my thoughts racing 100km an hour. It was worse before you came into my life. After I met you, I started doing it less, and when I did do it they were lighter and farther from the vein. You inspired me to do better, you're the light of my life Kiri. I love you."

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