Secrets revealed

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Thanks for being patient and reading guys:)

Chapter 6

I awaken in a foreign room. The dark red walls contrast beautifully with the cream coloured ceiling. A large book shelf Stood in the corner, practically over-flowing. I gawk at the inviting massive walk-in wardrobe. Wherever this place is it sure seems like heaven.

Suddenly the door creaks, and a head peeps through the crack. "Finally your awake!" I look up to see Mr Hanson leaning in, almost touching my nose. He gently caresses my cheek, and it sends tingled through my cheek. Wait, what am I doing? I hate this guy right? I smack his hand forcefully away from my face, and I could see the pained expression in his face. As I was cautiously obseeving him, I noticed his usuall beautiful vibrant green and gold eyes, are now a pool of darkness. I lay on the bed, confused as hell. I almost ask him about his eyes, when he spoke gently into my ear. This time, I didn't pull his hand away when he stroke my cheek again. "I guess your wondering why your here". His expression is honesty, an in true fact, I dis want to know why I was here. I sit up, so I can get a better view. "Yes I would. Please explain" I mutter sarcastically.

" Well first of all, my first name is Shaun. Now the reason why you are here may be very complicating, but please promise me you won't run away, or hate me?" Too late. I thought to myself. I really wanted to know why I was here so I eagerly nod my head. "I-I-I promise" was all I could manage to stutter.

"ok" Shaun replied. "Here goes nothing".

He took a deep breath in, and sighed. "Well you see, I am not what you think I am. In fact, I am far from human." he checks to see if I am with it, so I look at him, pleading to continue. "I am what you humans refer to as blood-sucking freak. Or A.K.A a vampire." I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing, until I was rolling off the bed onto the floor, in fits of giggles. Shaun looks at me upsettingly, so I regain my self and

beckon him to go on, whilst trying to cover my smirk. "Every vampire has what we call a mate. This is ones true love who they devote their lives too. There is an instant connection between the two, it's like the saying love at first sight. You Chelsea, are my mate. I knew the moment I stepped into the classroom and laid eyes on you. But that's not the reason as to you being here. It is extremely rare for a vampire to find a human mate, and it can often create massive destruction to the vampire society. It also said that the next vampire queen is supposes to be a non-vampire being. You chelsea, could be the next vampire queen."

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