Drifted into Darkness

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Sorry about the last chapter guys it was un edited

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Chapter 5

I drag my suit case behind me and check the piece of paper the principle gave me. It read room 34A. As I make my way down the corridoor, I go past Anna's room. Should I appologise to her? NO! What am I thinking? I shake my head and finally find my new room. I shakily knock on the door, afraid it's going to be some freak. But instead I'm greeted with the big ego-maniac Mr Hanson.

What the hell? This can't be the right room, I Check my note, the. The door, and to my utter disgust, it's the right room. "there m-m-ust of been a mistake" I blurt out, stuttering like the idiot I am.

"Nope, this is the right room" he smirked before looking into my eyes. I equally stare back at them, mesmerized by there beauty.

"bu-" he put his delicate finger to my dainty lips and stopped my mid-sentence.

"I asked for you to be here" and as the words came out of his mouth, I couldn't help the tear roll down my cheek. Tears of happiness or sadness- that I'm not sure of.


I angrily slam the door behind myself, and run to the hall way. I have no idea where I am running to, butas long as it's away from him, I should be okay.

I burst out the school doors and head straight for the forest, hoping to get lost in the wild, never returning again.

My heart thumps inside my chest with adrenaline which pushes me further. I stumble over a rock on the ground, and trip, causing my knee to bang into a fallen log. I scream out in pain, but I know there is no one out here to hear my screams.

I observe my wound, and boy is it gross, my jeans are ripped and bloodstained, I don't even want to see the flesh underneath. I look up and see him running towards me. His muscle clearly showing in his white singlet. I want to run and hug him buy I feel so light headed, that I might faint.

The last thing I remember is his worried expression, and the feeling of warmth around my body as I was lifted off the ground, and slowly drifted into darkness.

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