The new kid

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Chapter 4

I can't believe what has just happened. My best fried of 16 years just walked away from me! Oh that bitch is going to pay... I angrily stomped out of the cafeteria, ignoring the obvious stares and bickering. I march to Annie's door nd thump on it loudly. "Anny, we need to talk now!"

After at least 2 minutes of banging, she finlly opened the door. "What Chelsea" she said like the smart-arse she is. "What the eff is wrong with you?" I gave her my best death stare, which she rolled her eyes at.

"I don't appreciate you flirting with my man. You stay away from him or I swear I will kill you" she poked her finger into my chest, causing me to stumble backwards. "You are so going to pay for this" and with that I slapped her right across the face. I could proudly see the bright red mark already forming. "She muttered something along the lines of asshole, then stomped to the bathroom, fortunately defeated. Like I said, I dont take crap from anybody.


So it's official. I know have no friends.

I have to eat my lunch alone, and all my classes alone. Unfortunately we share a dorm, but apparently Anna asked I could be tansferred to a knew dorm-which I am really happy about.

I drowsily got my books from my locker and header for class. I looked at my timetable, and what a joy, I have math with Mr Hanson. Joy. I took my usuall seat up at the back, when I noticed a new kid siting in my spot. Who does he think he is? I march over, and smash my books on my desk, making it obvious that I am annoyed. "Can I help you?" I hiss, hoping to scare him off. But I was greeted with a snicker, followed by a bark of laughter. "What the hell is your problem?" now I was getting really annoyed.

"Well sweetie, I could ask you the same thing" he looked at me with a sly smile on his snotty face.

"Dont sweetie me, and get out of my seat!" I scream, which made him jump in his seat.

"jeez calm down" he let out a long sigh before continuing " I'm here to protect you".

"From what exactly you retard?" I answer as meanly as I could.

"Time will tell Chelsea, time will tell".

What the hell is this messes up kid on about? And how does he know my name?

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