Trust Lust and Vampire Love

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"okay, so i will meet you in class in 10?" I hung up the phone and quicly threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black tee. I ran to the bathroom and applied some mascara and eyeliner, as well as my favourite sexy perfume. I picked up my bag and ran out of the dorm to my next class.

"Hey chelsea!" My bestfriend Anna greeted me with a huge hug, which was a little annoying.

"Hi Anna" i mumbled as a took my usually seat in class, right up the back. I hated all the students at the front. There so nerdy and annoying it makes my gag. This is also a good way to text with out my stupid Math teacher Mrs Bourke, realising. When the class room door opened, i looked up half expecting to see Mrs bourke with her usually old fashioned outfit, and messy grey hair. Instead, my eyes fell upon what seems to be the most attractive man i have ever seen.

He was a tall man with dark brown hair that sat nicely on his head. His eyes were a piercing green with speckles of gold. I have never seen such beautiful eyes. They werelike a whirl pool of lust, and i could get lost in them forever. His muscles were showing through his tight black shirt, and i just wanted to see and feel his abs underneath. I looked around the class to see if i was the only one to notice the angel walk through the door. And with no suprise, most of the popular girls were right at the front, pathetically twisting their hair, in a desperate attempt to get the mystery teachers attention. I promised my self that i would  never fall in love, after i had my heartbroken too many times to count. And by the way the teacher was smiling back at the girls, he seemed to enjoy the attention he was recieving.

" Hello class my name is mr Hanson, and i will be your rplacement teacher for this semester."

I suprised my self by letting out a small grown at the sound of his voice, and I knew that it was going to be very difficult to resist this seductive temptation.

YAY!! my first chapter on wattpad! Hopefully you guys enjoy, and i will be updating very soon:)

Kaity_stry :):););)

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