The real Shaun

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Thanks for the reads everybody!!!

Hope you enjoy.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Hello_hi101 for all her support:) xoxo

Chapter 10

It's been exactly a week since the 'incident' with those disgusting men. Ever since I was kidnapped, my life has been a living hell. And believe me when I say hell. This whole week, Shaun has been by my side, every minute of the day. Although I can't say I don't enjoy it. Everytime a male speaks to me, even his own brother, Kyle- which he recently told me about- Shaun growls at. A cleaner told me that I looked pretty today, and I swear Shaun almost snapped his neck right there and then, if it wasn't for me of course. It's nice of him to protect me, but does he have to be so harsh? I'm not even allowed out of his sight. When I shower, he stands in the corner, incase someone comes in. You can't tell me thats not, well, creepy? I'm his mate for goodness sakes! He should trust me, that I can take care of my self. I will admit it, my feelings for Shaun are undescribable. But I like the funny, sexy, kind Shaun, not the over-protective, and mean one. I really should tell him that I am ok, but timing is perfection.

"Chelsea!" Shaun yells from the end of the hall way. I turn around, and almost forgot he wasn't by my side. I feel guilty that I forgot about him, but quickly dismiss the thought. "Yes Shaun?".

"In two weeks there will be the annual crowning of the Queen", I nod my head intently. "Which, will be you". I drop my mouth to the floor. I am going to have to get used to this whole 'Queen/vampire thing'.

" At the crowning, you will have to devot your love to me". HE smirked, and it seemed as if he had a big ego. I stare at him doumfounded. It was if he just expected me to love him. What an asshole.

"Um, okay", i hesitantly replied.

He continued speaking directly to me. "You will wear a dazzling green dress to match my eyes, now won't you Chelsea." Dazzling eyes? Yes they were perfect, but ah, big headed much? I mentally roll my eyes, and wait for him to continue. "I can't wait to hear how you will devot your love to me Chelsea, it will bemagical." He winked, then walked away. Hopefully his big head will get stuck in the door frame. I have just experienced the new Shaun. And to tell you the truth, I don't like him. Not one, single bit.

It is only 8 more days until the crowning, and I am not looking forward to it. I have endured 3 full rehearsals, that lasted 4 hours each. I am expected to write a 100 word devotion letter for Shaun, which I am yet to start on. Frankly, I have no idea what tio write. At the moment, I like nothing about him. Shaun of course picked out my'dazzling dress', but to me it looks like vomit.

My legs hurt, and my eyes are dreary. I really must stand up for myself, and tell Shaun that I don't want to be his mate anymore. The way he has been treating me is heartless. I want to tell him that he is a carless freak. But I keep reembering the time he saved me from those men. Why can't he be like that more often? THen something hits me. In that stupid devotion letter, I could tell everyone at the ceromony that we are not supposed to be together. Then I won't be crowned Queen, and mabye, just mabye, I could go home.

This was my plan. And it WILL work.

Not my best chapter guys :( i was in a rush.

I promise to make my next chapters better:)


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