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Chapter 8

Shauns P.O.V

"Shit,shit,shit!!!" I groan in frustration and slump to the ground in defeat. She is becoming suspicious, she knows too much, and must be taken care of. How could I let this happen? I didn't want her to find out what I am like this. It supposes to be special when a vampire tells his mate that he is a "bloodsucker". Deep down though, I bet she would enjoy my world. The stars are brighter, the moon is bigger, an the love is stronger. I know I need to deal with her, but I can't get the image of what her pained face will be. It will break my heart, shatter me like a broken mirror. But I know what I must do, and I will do it. One way or the other.


Chelseas p.O.V

My stomach rumbles, and I realize I haven't eaten since I've been here. In fact, how long have I been here? It feels like only yesterday, Shaun was teaching me in class. I race down the steps, carefully making sure I get o the kitchen without getting lost. I finally emerged through the kitchen door, and was greeted by howls and hoots by 2 stupid immature young men. There was no surprise though, when your a 14C bust, your bound to get some kind of attention. I give the asswipes a small eye roll, before one of the decides to speak up. "hey sexy, you wanna ride?" he pointed to his crotch and winked at me. He looked and smelt drunk, which is a shame, because he is actually really hot. I glared at him with pity and digust. Just as I turned around, the other man grabbed my wrist, and spun me around so I was facing his stone chest. "Now Jacob, we both know i'm the ladies man". He grabbed a hold of me, and threw me over his shoulder, and slowly walked up to my bedroom. I started to go into panic mode, and start panting heavily. "Now there's the spirit love, I told you I would turn her on Jacob". He smirked, before Lifting my arms up, and slowly starting to pull my shirt over my head. I tried to kick himin the stomach, which angered him. I got a fist to the face,then a slap. "You will respect me!" he yelled, before continuing. He awed my body, and I couldn't help the tears roll down my cheek. This sick bastard enjoys my pain. He started the zipper on my jeans, and I did the only thing I could think of.

"Shaun! Help me!

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He was at the door in an instant, and I heard an inhumane growl from the door. I don't know who I was more scared of, the rapist, or Shaun. I heard a deathly snap behind me, before a thud on the ground. I'm guessing that was Jacob. I feel no empathy for him. While Shaun was still occupied making sure Jacob was dead, my rapist was trying to put my hands down his pants. "you know you wanna" he chuckled before shoving my hand down his pants. Before I touched his "man hood" Shaun walked behind the disgusting man before growling. "I don't think she does wanna, you prick".

"Turn around Chelsea, I don't want you to see this". I immediately obeyed, and heard the same familiar crack, before a thud on the floor. I turn around and wrap my arms around Shaun's neck. "thankyou so much Shaun". I say between sobs. "Who were they?". I look into his eyes, and see a tear roll down his majestic cheek. "It doesn't matter, I won't be letting anyone near you again, and I swear if they hurt you, I will kill them. If they touch you, I will kill them. I they think about you, I will kill them. He started kissing a trail down my jawline, before stopping at my neck. "I'm so sorry Chelsea, I never wanted to hurt you, I love you". And with that, he sunk his sharp teeth into my neck, and drank my sweet blood, until my world faded into darkness.

A/N thanks for reading guys!!



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