Chapter One

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"Silverdust", a red and blue robot called out. A silver head poked up from where a small femme was reading on a data pad.

"Yes, Optimus?" the silver femme asked as she walked over to her leader.

Optimus gazed down at her, his optics softening at the young femme's curiosity that filled her optics.

"There is something I need you to do..."

Silverdust frowned, unsure as to why Optimus was talking to her specifically, and what it was he needed her to do. She was young femme, having grown up in the war, and still had much to learn. Most of her life had been lived out here on Earth.

"What is it, Optimus?" the femme's voice went quiet, the femme slightly nervous, her tanks shifting uncomfortably.

Optimus smiled down at the young femme. "I have a mission for you. In a few days time, four rescue bots will touch down in Maine, near a small island called Griffin Rock. You and I will be going to meet them there."

Silverdust frowned, still confused as to what Optimus was talking about. "Okay. But... that doesn't give me any clues as to what my mission will be. Or why you're picking me to go with you."

"I believe you are the most equipped with Earth culture to help these Rescue Bots fit in. That is your mission. You will be staying with the Rescue Bots for a while."

Silverdust swore her spark stopped beating. Meet new bots? Be around someone she had never known. She had grown up with team Prime and didn't want to leave. She especially didn't want to leave her best friend, Bumblebee.

"I understand if you need some time to think about this. That is why I have given you a few days to do so."

Silverdust nodded, and left Optimus, going to the roof of the base to look over the Jasper, Nevada desert. She heard some pedesteps behind her, and turned to see her yellow and black friend.

::You okay, Dusty?:: Bumblebee teases. Silverdust only gives him a side glance before pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her head on them. She could sense Bumblebee's concern then, and turned her helm away from, effectively hiding her face from her best friend.

::Silverdust... please don't hide from me...::

Silverdust sighed, and finally turned her face to look at her best friend.

"I'm scared, Bee", she whispered. "What if I'm not good enough? What if they don't like me?"

::Maybe you should back up some and explain what's going on, cause I'm completely lost...::

Silverdust gave a half smile to her best friends semi joking voice, and explained to him what had occurred.

"Optimus... he wants to give me my very own mission. Go across the country and help out some Rescue Bots that are going to be arriving there in a few days. But that means I won't be able to come back here. Not for a long time..."

Bumblebee whirls sadly. ::I think you should do it. I'll miss you, but I also know you'd be best one to help someone else adjust to Earth culture. You did grow up here after all.::

Silverdust frowns. "I know, but I am absolutely terrified. You know I don't like new bots. You saw how I was when Arcee and Cliffjumper first showed up. I barely spoke for five weeks!"

Bumblebee rests a servo on her shoulder. ::Silverdust. You'll be fine. Now, do you need help packing up your stuff?::

Silverdust sighs. "No, I think I got it. I don't have that much stuff. Besides, how'd you know that I was going accept the mission?"

Bumblebee smiles at her as he helps her up. ::You have a hard time saying no.::

Silverdust groans. "I hate that you know me so well."

Bumblebee threw and arm around her. ::Well, what are best friends for?::

Silverdust shakes her softly as she laughs. "I thought they were for laughs and giggles, and that they didn't actually exist."

Bumblebee pretended to be offended. ::Um, excuse me? I am you best friend, so best friends obviously exist.::

Silverdust laughed, her fears subsided for now as Bumblebee led her towards the elevator that would take them down.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, Bumblebee", Silverdust said out what seemed like nowhere. Bumblebee's door wings drooped.

::I'm gonna miss you too, Silver::, he whispered. ::Make sure you call me once a day, yeah?::

Silverdust smiles softly. "I'll try, Bee. But it might be hard, seeing as we'll both be busy with different things."

Bumblebee nodded, and they went their separate ways as they exited the elevator.

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