Chapter Seven

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Silverdust stood and quietly exited her room. She snuck up into the garage where Blades had fallen asleep during his watch duty. She quietly stepped out of the garage, and stared up at the night sky, preparing to transform.

She was leaving. She had to. If the Rescue Bots found out just who she was, she would be cast out anyway. May as well leave before they find out. She knew she wouldn't be able to come back. She was going to become a rogue, joining neither side, and trying to stay out of the war.

"Where are you going?" a voice came out of nowhere. Silverdust jumped and transformed her servo into a blade as she whipped around to face the person who spoke to her. She relaxed when she saw Heatwave standing by the edge of the garage, only to tense again as she realized she had been caught. She shifted her optics to look away from him, and spoke quietly.

"I'm leaving", she whispered. "I can't stay here."

She hears Heatwave take a few steps forward until he was standing in front of her.

"Of course you can stay here. What makes you think you can't?"

Silverdust winced, and took a step back. She hadn't wanted him to ask that question. It was the simplest and yet hardest question to answer. She spoke softly.

"You wouldn't understand."

"So help me understand", Heatwave said. "Help me understand why you were so happy before you were taken, and why you seem almost dead now."

Silverdust looked at him, her optice flashing dangerously. Her optics glinted in the starlight, though whether they were out of anger or because of tears, Heatwave would never know.

"Do you really want to know why?" she asked softly. She only spoke so quietly as to keep her voice from cracking. She didn't want Heatwave to know just how close she was to breaking down.

It seemed he could tell, however, as he gently took her servo in his own. She tugged it away, and turned away from him. Heatwave spoke.

"I want to know everything about you, Silver. I want to know how you became this way. I want to know who hurt you so badly that you're no longer yourself. I want to know why you feel as if you have to hide it all from me."

Silverdust choked back a sob, the nickname catching her audio receptors, but she chose to ignore it. Her voice cracked as she spoke. "I hide it from you because I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to push me away or shut me out. So I'm doing the only thing I know that won't let you do that."

"You mean you're running", Heatwave snarls, his voice suddenly angry. "You're running because you're afraid of something that will never happen."

"How do you know that will never happen?!" Silverdust whipped around, her optics ablaze with fear and pain. "I know for a fact that if you found out who my real sire is, you would hate me!"

"I'll prove that I won't hate you. You just have to tell me who your sire is", Heatwave challenged. Silverdust took a step back, looking towards the lightening sky. Heatwave grabbed her wrist before she could transform, and fear flashed through Silverdust's optics as she struggled to get away.

Heatwave frowned, knowing this is where Megatron had grabbed her a few weeks ago, but it shouldn't be affecting her this much. Silverdust was starting to hurt herself trying to get away, but still Heatwave held on, pulling her closer as to get a better hold on her to help calm her down. It did the exact opposite, and Silverdust screamed.

"Let go of me, sire!"

Heatwave's optics widened and he released her, finally understanding why she didn't want to tell him. He looked to where she had fallen onto the ground, his optics full of shock.

Silverdust looked up at him, tears brimming the edge of her optics. Heatwave opened his mouth to speak, but she had already jumped up and transformed. He watched as she flew away, letting out an enraged cry as he punched the pavement.

'Megatron...' Heatwave thought to himself. 'I will hurt you if you dare lay hands on her again... she may be your daughter, but she is not something for you to hurt as you please.'

"Heatwave?" a familiar voice asked. The red mech turned to see Chase, who was standing at the garage door. "What is happening? I heard a scream."

Heatwave sighed softly. "Silverdust left... she... she is not okay... she's broken..."

Chase rested a hand on his friends shoulder. "We will find her."

Heatwave gave him a sad smile as he looked towards the sunrise. He saw a glint of silver and his spark clenched. He looked to the ground before punching it yet again. He wanted to go after her desperately, but he was needed here.

"We should send a message to Optimus. Let him know his daughter left", Chase spoke quietly. Heatwave opened his mouth to tell Chase Optimus is not Silverdust's sire, but closed it again and nodded.

That was Silverdust's secret to share, not his. He would keep it as long as she needed or wanted him to. He just hoped she would return soon.
Optimus frowned at the four rescue bots that appeared in the screen. They had called to say that Silverdust had run off, and that they didn't know why. Optimus looked into each of their optics, and noticed confusion in all of them but one. Heatwave's optics held knowledge, though Optimus suspected it was limited, like his own.

"Optimus, sir, do you know where Silverdust may have gone?" Chase asked. Optimus returned his gaze to Chase, who was watching him with the most curiosity.

"Ratchet is currently searching for her signal. We will let you know if we find her", Optimus promised. Heatwave frowned, but spoke.

"Thank you, Optimus", he said softly. "We will watch for her here as well."

Optimus nodded before looking to the other three. "I would like to speak to Heateave alone."

Heatwave knew what it was about immediately. He nodded to the other three Rescue Bots, all of which shared confused glances. He followed them to the door, and made sure it was shut tightly before going back to the screen.

"You know who her sire is", Optimus said. Heatwave nodded.

"How long have you known?" Heatwave couldn't help but ask. Optimus smiled sadly.

"Ever since I found her abandoned in an alleyway on Cybertron during the war. Her carrier's body was found not far from where I found Silverdust", Optimus said softly, a troubled look on his face. Heatwave sighed.

"I can't help but feel it was my fault she ran off. I... I pushed her to tell me", Heatwave looked to the console. "I just... I care for her... a lot... and I want to protect her."

"As a sparkmate should", Optimus said. Heatwave looked up in shock, while Optimus only smiled.

"I may not be her real sire, but I know her well enough to know that her sparkmate stood less than fifteen feet apart when you two were first introduced", Optimus explained. Heatwave sighed softly.

"My spark tugs toward her whenever she is near. It hurts when she is far. It hurts knowing she is hurt and I can do nothing about it. I just want to keep her safe", Heatwave spoke, letting his emotions out. He hadn't told any of his teammates this, but it felt good to tell the leader of the Autobots. Optimus smiled, and spoke quietly.

"If we find her location, you will be the first to see her", Optimus murmured. Heatwave nodded gratefully and watched as the screen went blank.

He backed up to the wall behind him and slid down, burying his face in his servos.

"Come back to me, Silver... please..."

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